Relieve and reduce fine lines and wrinkles with Botox injections

It is inevitable that as we age, we will begin to notice more fine lines and wrinkles beginning to appear on our face, starting with crow’s feet in the eye area and gradually spreading to the rest of the face. Botox is a safe, simple and gentle treatment that stays in the area where it was injected and does not travel to any other part of the body. Botox can treat many areas, depending on how the facial muscles work when making expressions.

Areas affected by expressive and static lines:

  • Expression lines – we may find that over time, the deep lines between the eyebrows and above the nose become quite prominent. Frown lines can appear as two deep furrows that sit between your eyebrows and are sometimes called the number 11. To prevent you from overworking this area, botox injections can relax the muscle, which will also help to reduce the static groove.
  • Front – We tend to have both expressive and static lines that form horizontally on our forehead. These wrinkles can dramatically age your appearance, but the use of botox will relax the lines and prevent the area from becoming overexpressed.
  • eyes – Crow’s feet at the corner of the eyes are a major concern for many people. The eyes are one of the most obvious areas to show age, and being a delicate area, you should always choose an experienced and highly qualified doctor to treat them. The eyes are one of the most requested areas for Botox treatment.
  • bunny lines – are the straight lines, slightly diagonal, on both sides of the nose, under the bridge, that appear when we smile or laugh. They become apparent when we wrinkle our noses when we laugh or through the natural aging process.
  • Front – we have muscles in the face that pull down the eyebrows and muscles that raise the eyebrows. Injecting botox into the muscles that pull down is an ideal way to lift the forehead area as it relaxes the muscles we use to frown and this lifts the weight we naturally want to push down.
  • jaw line – Botox can relax and shrink the enlarged masseter muscle in the jawline near the ear. Botox injections can slim the area, giving a smooth, heart-shaped jawline, softening the contour of the lower face.

This relaxation of the muscles lasts for several months and then the treated muscles gradually return to their original state. Botox gradually wears off naturally after about 3-6 months. The key to successful botox is subtlety; enhancing your face with careful and thoughtful treatment, striving to give your face a refreshed, rejuvenated look, and avoiding a frozen or startled look. These treatments should always be performed by an experienced and fully trained physician, as the face is a delicate area to work on.