Crime Never Country

Crime is a bad thing. And the previous sentence was a euphemism and an inaccurate description of the concept of Crime.

When someone commits a crime, they have surely broken a law that applies to the place and situation in which they find themselves. The main statement of the crime is that if a law is broken, there must be retribution or justice.

Fast question. You pass a red light. This means that you have violated traffic laws. Does this mean you are a criminal?
Probably not.

If that were the case, then probably three-quarters of the US driving population would be criminals. Fortunately, this is not the case. Crime, in a broad sense, refers to acts that violate political or moral law. An even more specific definition of Crime is the violation of criminal law.

Since running a red light is a violation of traffic laws and not criminal laws, we are less prepared to label more than half of the drivers on the streets today as criminals.

The general rules to define the crime can vary from one country to another, from one culture to another.

“Actus Reus and Mens Rea”, yes, I know. Two words that really mean nothing to most laymen. Actus Reus means “guilty action”. This means that a criminal act has been committed. Mens rea means “guilty mind.” This means that there was malicious intent on the part of one of the parties. In general, for an act to be classified as a crime, both concepts must be present.

Body of crime. Some people are as guilty of a crime as they can be. But somehow, you find them blameless in the court of law. Usually this is because no corpus delicti has been found (Yes, more Latin words…). Without corpus delicti (or “proof of a crime”) there can be no prosecution of a crime.

Assistance to a Crime. It can also be a crime to conspire to commit other crimes, or to help others to commit crimes (in which case you become an accomplice).

In some systems, the simple association to organize a crime is sanctioned. The roles that the game fills include being a ‘lookout’ or simply assisting criminals in communications to commit crimes.

Plans aborted? In some areas, the very attempt to commit a crime can be punished, even if the crime is not completed. For example, it is generally a crime to attempt to murder someone, even if one has not been successful in doing so.

The crazy exit. Most Western systems do not fully punish people who commit crimes unintentionally or who are not yet of legal age. Those who have shown to be crazy at the time of the crime are examples of this.

Since insane persons are said not to have adequate control of their decision-making faculties, they cannot be charged with any malicious intent.

When evidence of a crime can be found, the person can be tried for the criminal act. This allows the suspect to prove her innocence, or the court to prove her guilt. If found guilty, the person is now subject to the punishment handed down by the state.

Committing a crime is not a joke. And being accused of such is not either. A good understanding of the basics of the law makes understanding, appreciating, and obeying the law an easier and more engaging endeavor.