Do most people like the taste of bee pollen pellets and capsules?

One of the most common questions asked by people considering a bee pollen supplement is how the pollen will taste. After all, if you intend to consume up to two tablespoons of loose pollen granules per day, you will taste a lot. The truth is that the taste of bee pollen varies significantly depending on the supplier and the species of plant from which the pollen comes. The same pollen can even look a little different from person to person. However, in general, most people eventually get used to the taste of bee pollen and have little to no problem consuming this supplement.

Normal bee pollen flavors

The flavor of your bee pollen supplement is based on the flowers that provided you with the pollen. Many people describe the basic flavor of this food as floral. Others experience their supplements as sweet and sour in taste. A small percentage of people feel that bee pollen has an earthy or dirt-like taste, but these users are in the minority. Most people find that they don’t actually like pollen at first, due to its gritty texture and unfamiliar taste. However, over time, many users begin to actively enjoy the taste of their supplements.

When your pollen tastes bad

Sometimes even people who enjoy the taste of pollen find that their new bottle tastes bad. This could be due to contamination or improper handling during shipping or processing. If you get a batch of bee pollen that tastes very bitter, moldy, or bad, do not continue to use it. There is a good chance that pollen is no longer nutritionally healthy. In extreme cases, it might even be unsafe to use. Dispose of the bottle or take it to your dealer for one that does not taste bad.

Bee pollen flavor solutions

If you happen to be someone who doesn’t like the taste of bee pollen, you don’t have to stick with it. You can still get the same benefits from your supplement by choosing a brand that offers pollen in capsule form. These products are available in regular, gelatin-kosher / halal, and gelatin-free versions. The capsule itself has a slightly sweet and sticky taste, but the taste of the pollen is not carried through. Since the capsule itself dissolves in the stomach, you will be able to get all the usual benefits of bee pollen without having to deal with an unpleasant taste.

It may take some time to get used to the taste of bee pollen, but you will likely find that you like it over time. Start with a small dose and try mixing it with a drink or food until you get used to it. You will soon be able to enjoy the great nutritional benefits of this supplement, as well as its unique taste.