Feng Shui – Use of mirrors and aquariums

The mirror plays an important role in Feng Shui. Do not keep the mirrors facing the entrance, as it reflects the good energy that enters our homes. Mirrors near the dining table are good, but mirrors near the stove are very bad for Feng Shui. Mirrors reflecting off the dining table increase good fortune, while mirrors reflecting off the cooking gas cylinder or stove can be fatal.

Aquarium with goldfish: A great way to improve good luck in the house is to have some goldfish in an aquarium or fish tank. You must have nine goldfish, of which eight must be red or gold and one must be black. If your goldfish dies, don’t worry, just get a few more and replace them.

It is also believed that when a fish dies in your home, it takes away some of the bad luck that would have otherwise befallen a family member. Avoid keeping goldfish in the bedroom, kitchen, or bathroom. It can lead to some material losses. The best place to keep an aquarium is in the living room, and the correct direction is east, southeast, or north.

Water features, if properly maintained, can bring excellent luck. But if they are poorly maintained they turn out to be very harmful. Never place an aquarium on the right side of your front door. The ancient Chinese liked to display auspicious writings and symbols in their homes, which brought them luck. The various symbols such as the Cross, the Star of David, the OM, the Star of Bethlehem, the Crescent, etc. It can be freely displayed in most parts of the house. Avoid displaying such symbols in bathrooms and toilets.