Formula for an impressive Twitter bio

Twitter is all about brevity. A tweet is only 140 characters. And a Twitter bio can only be 160 characters long. When was the last time you thought of yourself in terms of a headline? If you’re a thirty-something relic like me, you’ll probably find it very difficult to come up with a two-page resume or biographical data. So can someone tell me how am I supposed to describe myself in 160 characters?

Being one of the lesser-known descendants of Henry Higgins, the first thing I didn’t like about Twitter was that it seemed to give people carte blanche to slaughter the English language. ‘U’, ‘ur’, ‘4u’, ‘4t’ and the like have never found a fan in me, and the challenge for me was to use bona fide words that made sense and respect the character limit. There is no such thing as “the best” Twitter bio! Every person is different, so his biography is different and every person has many facets, so yes, the biography can address various aspects of his life.

Is there a formula, then, to make it interesting and get thousands to follow you? Not really, but I did come up with a cheat sheet over a period of time. Check it out and stick with it, and by the time you get to the end of this article, you’ll have a couple of samples for your Twitter bio.


The goal is important in anything you undertake because it changes the strategy you need to achieve it.

Is this Twitter account just for fun, sharing laughs, or having fun with friends? Or is it to focus on a specific hobby, eg writing or blogging? Is this a diet you’re on? Or do you just want people to know what you do, what services you offer, etc.?

To choose a and go to the next step.

Stand out

What is the defining trait of your goal? Are you a romantic writer or a philosopher? Is your diet vegan, low carb, or detox?

Write the main defining attribute related to your objective.

Aspiration or Mission

This is a slightly long-term vision of what you want to achieve or where you see yourself. The author might want to win a movie contract or the Pulitzer Prize. He may want to lose 50 pounds on his diet or he may want to be the best lawyer in Arizona.

Write this down. You’re only one step away, so don’t lose your patience just yet!

the personal touch

You are here to make friends or generate followers. Add a little detail about your life, something you love or hate, something you can’t live without, or research about someone else.

Yes, there are probably hundreds of ‘wishes’ you have, but pick one or two for now. Remember, we only have 160 characters for this!

start cooking

Now, just create sentences around what you have written, keeping in mind that you have to be as short as possible. Here is an example of the sample bios we can get from what we have:

Romantic author who wants to write a bestseller. Love cruises.

You want to lose 50 pounds using a raw diet. Single mother.

Small business owner. WordPress teaches people. Starbucks fan.

See how simple that was? Yes! But it’s not very flashy, is it? You can tweak this further to make it more attractive:

Eternal romantic working on the first novel. He wants to travel the world after writing his bestseller. Live in chocolate!

The southern girl needs to lose 50 pounds before her wedding in July. Go raw detox. Single mom looking for diet buddies.

A small business owner wants to educate people about WordPress. Coffee addict who is never far from a Starbucks!

They are perfect? Only you can decide. And as you review our criteria, you’ll find that your answers change over time. Your Twitter bio can too because it’s not set in stone.. Of course, you don’t want to seem fickle by changing it every 2-3 days, but you can make minor changes every couple of months depending on what works.