get rid of ringworm in dogs

If your dogs at home have ringworm, then it’s not impossible that you may also be infected by it. Ringworm is a skin infection caused by a group of fungi called “dermatophytes.” These ringworm-causing fungi prefer to live on human and animal skin. Because? This is because dermatophytes feed on keratin, and keratin can be found primarily in areas of the body such as the nails, scalp, feet, and groin. Keratin is not only found in humans, but also in animals such as cats, dogs, sheep, and cattle. They also love to live in warm, humid areas.

Before you get any of those fungal infections, it’s best to get your dogs rid of them as soon as possible.

Here are ways on how to get rid of ringworm in dogs:

• Trim. But please, if you don’t know how to cut your puppy’s hair, don’t even think about it! If possible, have an expert do it, as dog hair is much more delicate than human hair. If you see any rings on your dog’s skin, use electric clippers to remove the hair from that part so that it is easy for you to treat the affected area, especially with the use of ointments. The medicine will take effect on the ringworm directly because there will be no dog hair to block it. Avoid using a pair of scissors as this will only leave cuts on your dog.

• Wash. Wash the affected area well using an antifungal soap or an antiseptic soap that contains povidone-iodine and chlorhexadine such as Betadine Skin Cleanser. Washing will prevent the spread of the fungus to other areas of your dog’s body.

• Shampoo. It is best to wash your dog’s coat every other day using 0.5% chlorhexidine shampoo, 2% miconazole shampoo, or ketoconazole shampoo. These shampoos will help remove lesions and help your dog’s hair grow back.

• Creams and Ointments. When treating dogs, it is best to use creams and ointments. However, it is still recommended that you take your dog to a vet before using over-the-counter creams and ointments. It is important to have a proper diagnosis of your dog’s condition in order to provide effective treatment.

• Griseofulvin. Griseofulvin is a drug in the form of tablets that must be administered daily for 30 days. Most vets prescribe this medication in place of over-the-counter creams and ointments. Each administration should be followed by fatty foods or any meat.

There are other ways to get rid of ringworm in dogs, but it’s important not to treat ringworm roughly. As much as possible, do it gently and gradually. Your dogs need your tender loving care even in the treatment of their affliction.