How Much Training Is Required to Become a Professional Home Stager?

Become a Professional Home Stager

Are you searching for a home staging course that will provide you with all of the information and tools that you need to effectively sell homes? It’s actually easier than ever to obtain the necessary certification and training for a career in home staging. With so many home staging courses offered online, taking courses at home doesn’t require a lot of time or effort. In fact, many home staging training courses are offered online in their entirety for less than the cost of a single course at a community college. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at home staging training online and how these courses can help you make a better choice for your own career.

There are a number of free course websites that offer home staging training online. Some of them have simple explanation videos, while others provide in-depth courses that include written materials as well as hands-on application tutorials. You can usually choose whether or not to work with an online home stager on a one-to-one basis or through a group. Many courses also allow you to earn extra credits for each course that you successfully complete. These courses typically teach you the basics of home staging as well as some of the more advanced techniques.

home staging certification online

The most popular home staging training online courses have been developed by the National Association of Realtors and the National Home Staging Association. Both of these organizations conduct national home staging training seminars that feature professional home stagers who will teach you everything from how to prepare your home to how to market it to buyers. While the free courses may be informative and useful, they usually lack a lot of the helpful tools and information that paid courses will provide you. These seminars will also generally cost quite a bit of money. But if you don’t mind paying a little bit of extra money for high-quality information and tools, then this might be the way to go.

How Much Training Is Required to Become a Professional Home Stager?

There are other training programs available, however. Some of these are provided through non-profit companies who offer certification in home staging for a very reasonable fee. Others are held by smaller, regional firms who offer lower prices and less specialized information. Most legitimate home staging certification programs will require you to pass a written exam before you can take the test and receive your certificate.

Because certification is so important to home stagers, it is a good idea to make sure you get your education from a reputable source. There are a number of websites that offer quick certification tests that you can take and find out whether or not the program you are considering actually offers the credential that you think it does. Before taking any online training courses, you should make sure that the company you are thinking about attending is actually accredited to offer the actual certification that you need. Online courses are not recognized in most cases, which means you could have a harder time getting your certificate than if you attended a class with actual home stagers who had the proper credentials.

Before taking any online courses or training seminars, make sure you check out the requirements of your state to become a professional home stager. Some states require either a specific number of hours of experience or a specific number of courses in order to be able to apply for a home staging license. Others simply require a simple examination. If you have any doubts about whether or not you may qualify, try looking up the requirements for your specific state online. In order to work as a professional stager, you must be prepared to spend at least 1 hours a week of supervised, on-the-job training in addition to the time it takes to complete any courses online.