What is a Candida Vagina? A shocking revelation about women’s health

A candida vagina is simply a variant of BV that could be a major concern for all women who suffer from it. But it shouldn’t cause her the greatest anxiety if she knew what to do with him. How would you approach the problem of a stinky vagina? Do it like a nurse and use the ADPIE approach.

The first is the evaluation: take note of the smell or how it smells. Is it fishy or rancid? A particular smell can help indicate what type of infection you have. Next, take note of the color of the discharge and its consistency.

Is the color brick red, yellowish or greenish? Is it clear, foamy, or cheese-like? Each of these is specific to a vaginal infection, so it’s important to be aware of it. Next, take note of the time. When did you start noticing such symptoms? For a long time you have been experiencing such? What is the interval or when does this particularly occur? Are there any accompanying symptoms such as itching, redness, swelling, or fever?

Next, identify all the sexual partners you’ve been with recently. Do you share some similar symptoms? The evaluation should be as complete as possible so that referral to your doctor is very easy. It will save a lot of time and effort for both you and the doctor if everything is in order.

The second part is the diagnosis: since your main concern is your stinky vagina, that’s what you need to focus on.

The third is planning: with the problem identified, you need to plan your actions on how to address your condition. Armed with the complete and correct diagnosis, you can now have an idea of ​​how to tackle it.

The fourth is implementation: this will be the working phase of problem solving. The plan will now need execution. But for me the best implementation is still to go to the doctor and give him his very complete evaluation. If that’s not good for you, you can do some research on the specific symptoms you noticed.

Several websites will give you good recommendations for this, but going to the doctor for a checkup still gets my vote.

The fifth and last one is the Evaluation: it is as important as the rest of the previous steps, since it is the phase in which you will know if the actions you have already carried out were enough or would need to be reconsidered to take a different planning and implementation.

We hope you find these steps helpful. You may find it slow or not helpful, but I tell you, it will make a huge difference in solving your yeast infection problem.