What Is the Prognosis of Fungal Nail Infection?

Prognosis of Fungal Nail Infection

Not everyone with a fungal nail infection needs treatment. It all depends on the extent of the infection, possible drug interactions, cost, and your own preference. The first step in treating a fungal nail infection is to find out what is causing it. The best treatment options are topical or oral antifungals, which are applied to the nail surface. However, oral medications may be dangerous for some people and are usually only recommended for a few nails.

While the Wood’s UV lamp is useful in diagnosing a fungal infection, it is not very sensitive in detecting the fungi in the nail. The only effective method is to perform an X-ray examination. In some cases, a doctor can treat the disease by removing the affected nail. The infection is often treated with antibiotics to reduce the symptoms and promote recovery.

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In addition to oral antifungals, doctors may use laser treatments. The lasers can destroy the fungi in the nail. If you’re unable to get rid of the infection with the traditional methods, your dermatologist may recommend cutting the nail down to the point of attachment. The doctor may scrape the nail plate to remove fungus-causing debris. Often, patients who undergo these treatments are cured completely. Then, they must visit a nail specialist to have the nails treated.

What Is the Prognosis of Fungal Nail Infection?

Several treatment options are available for nail fungus. While medications are effective, they have low cure rates. And they can cause other complications, such as athlete’s foot. In severe cases, surgery may be necessary. The treatment will depend on the severity of the infection. If the infection is mild, you don’t need treatment. In such cases, the pain will go away and you’ll have no need for surgery. In general, nail fungus is not harmful in mild cases. Good foot hygiene is essential to prevent the fungus from spreading.

In severe cases, the infection may require surgical removal of the nail. Although the treatment for nail fungus is not painful, it can damage the nail and cause other infections. It’s important to seek medical attention if the infection is severe. There are many treatments available for fungal nail infection. If you have a weakened immune system, lasers may not be the best option.

If you have a fungal nail infection, the best treatment is antifungal medication. Infections with fungi can spread to the nearby skin, so you need to keep your hands and feet clean and dry. To avoid recurrences of the infection, it is best to wear footwear when you’re in public areas. For severe cases, removal of the nail may be necessary.