12 tips for training a puppy where and how to sleep through the night

Bringing home a new puppy can be exciting for you and the little pup. Here are 12 tips to make sure you both get a good night’s sleep.

  1. If you have a new puppy, it is important to establish a place for him to sleep his first night in your house.
  2. Use a crate or crate and be sure to line it with newspaper in case he has any accidents during the night.
  3. Have a raised area in the back of the crate or crate as a sleeping area. This can be a dog bed or a pillow. What you don’t want is for your puppy to sleep in his own poop.
  4. Keep the puppies in a resting place near your bed for the first few nights.
  5. Let your pup find his own place to sleep.
  6. You must choose the place where your puppy sleeps, but you must train him to go there whenever he wants.
  7. Guide your pup with a treat to connect his sleeping spot with a positive reward.
  8. Never pick up your puppy and place him in his sleeping area. If he does, he will associate his sleeping place as a negative experience.
  9. Place a towel, toy, blanket, or other object with the familiar scent of his mother and littermates near his sleeping area. It will help you relax.
  10. Some puppies may miss the feeling of a heart beating next to them when they sleep. Get a stuffed toy from the pet store that mimics the sound of its mother’s heartbeat.
  11. If your puppy whines or cries at night, don’t react. Comforting or coddling him will only reinforce his whining and tell him that he can point you to his peck and call.
  12. You should be comfortable with where your puppy sleeps. If you’re up all night worrying about his pup, not only will you be exhausted, but your pup can read this negative energy.

I hope that with these 12 tips you can ensure that you and your pup get some much-needed restful sleep.

Jeff Swift is a dog obedience trainer and trainer, sign up for his FREE weekly newsletter for more dog obedience training tips and tricks. If you’re looking for more dog obedience tips, check out our newsletter.