26 ways to become a super healthy personality!

Becoming a person with a super healthy personality is an exceptional quality. Here are some of the ways, from my humble experience, that can take you on this journey of a lifetime. Enjoy!

1. Stay true to yourself.

2. Have total conviction in what you believe.

3. Get healthy and stay healthy.

4. Focus your attention on those who are in the service of your time.

5. When you give yourself to a project, give yourself completely.

6. Love your critics.

7. Spend quality time with your family.

8. Spend quality time with your closest friends.

9. Find new associates to enhance your career.

10. Listen to your soul mate very carefully.

11. Trust your intuition. Go with it.

12. Be spectacular in your work.

13. Meditate at least once a day, especially before the sun rises.

14. Bless the people who curse you.

15. Greet everyone you meet with a smile.

16. Do something that challenges you every day to the point of stepping out of your comfort zone.

17. Strike up a conversation with someone you wouldn’t normally talk to. They may not look like you or may be of a different gender, race, nationality, religion, creed, sexual orientation. You may be surprised at what you can learn from each other and what you have in common.

18. Read the book Power v Force by Dr. David Hawkins.

19. Watch your thoughts every day.

20. Substitute a negative thought for a positive thought. Did you know that you can only think one thought at a time? Try it.

21. Laugh more.

22. Give love to everyone you meet.

23. Be courteous at all times.

24. Work on your character every day.

25. Keep a journal and write in it every day.

26. Live YOUR life!