A little history of curtains

Dating back to the 1700s, net curtains were commonly used in many homes. These types of curtains provided a good level of privacy for the many residents who used them. The sheers were from England and were made of lace woven from cotton, wool or silk. There was a time when curtains that were made of silk lace were known to be top quality and were highly sought after by many people, although they were also considered more expensive than other materials.

During the 20th century, when man began to produce synthetic fabrics, these curtains were made of polyester. Sheers have always added a nice unique touch to a home, but they weren’t just used for windows.

These curtains were also used as a frame for beds and on doors where they provided some privacy for home owners and many people used them to prevent insects from entering their homes and also made such a beautiful decoration. There have been some forms of net curtains that have been used around the world ever since the fabric became popular.

You can find a wide variety of these types of curtains at many stores that sell home goods. They come in different sizes and shapes. There are three main ones, which are coffee, chiffon and jardiniere. Hanging sheers aren’t as stiff as regular ones, so it wouldn’t matter if they’re a bit longer or shorter than the window. Because the sheer is so delicate, it is suggested that you hem the netting to prevent fraying.

There are Voile shades, which originated in England, but today are made almost all over the world, but mostly in China, Turkey, and Eastern Europe. Voile curtain is known for being a very thin and transparent material. Voile nets can be embroidered with various embellishments, in many cases they are left simple, along with their fine weave.

Cafe curtains are typically used in kitchens, but you can use them almost anywhere in the house as they will look good no matter where you hang them. You can use decorative curtain rods when you want to hang them or even rods and wires as well. Just place these curtains inside the window frame.

You can also use these curtains in conjunction with some smaller curtains that you leave hanging, as this will act as a valance and provide a layering effect. Just leave a little gap between the top and bottom layer to allow some light through the window or make the top layer a bit longer which can overlap the bottom layer and block the gap.

Jardiniere are full length window shades and have a shape where there is an arch located in the middle so you can see outside. Although it will allow a viewing space, the curtains still cover a very large area of ​​the window. Now this was just a small history of net curtains, which were always very popular with many people years ago and remain very popular to this day.