Arts and Crafts Projects for Valentine’s Day – "heart animals," "mouse kiss," and more!

For this fun and easy Valentine’s Day art project, all you need is different colored construction paper, safety scissors, glue, and maybe some googly eyes.

First of all, teach your students how to cut a heart. The best method is to fold a sheet of paper in half, then cut a slanted “J” shape at the crease. Unfold the paper and you have a heart! Of course, this is just the beginning of the trade. Have your students cut out as many hearts, of different sizes and colors as they can (to their liking, so to speak).

Now, have your students take those hearts and see what kind of animals they can make with them. For example, students can take lots of little hearts and glue them all together, one on top of the other, in a line (wavy or straight), and they have a worm. Take two giant hearts (with smaller hearts glued to them for added decoration) and glue the tips of the hearts to either side of the “worm”, add some antennae and you have a caterpillar that has just turned into a beautiful butterfly.

A heart folded in half makes a great body for a mouse. Two hearts on each side of different sizes, the tips together form a large body and tail of a fish. Two inverted hearts, one stacked on top of the other, form a large head and body of a cat, dog, or other animal. Spice up your Valentine’s Day crafts with a pair of googly eyes. See what your students can come up with. It’s amazing how creative they can be!

Valentine Arts and Crafts Projects – VALENTINE CARD BOXES

Nice Valentine’s card holder box

o To make this Valentine’s Day art project, you need a box (preferably a shoebox or a box that size), colored construction paper, cardboard, scissors, and some glue.

o Have an adult cut a clot in the lid of the box to insert the Valentine’s Day cards into and then wrap the box in colored paper.

o Cut out the head and shoulders of an animal from the construction paper and glue it to the cardboard. Add a funny face to the animal. Now glue the animal to the back of the box, with its face facing forward.

o Gut some arms for your animal and have them wrap around the box, so it looks like your animal is holding or hugging the box.

Valentine card holder with paper plate

o You need: two paper plates, a hole punch, thread and markers.

o To make this Valentine’s Day craft, first decorate the bottom of your paper plates however you like.

o Next, put the two paper plates together (tops in).

o Take your hole punch and punch holes every inch or so along the edges of the paper plates for ¾ of the circumference of the paper plates.

o Take the thread and weave it in and out of the holes, “sewing” the two plates together.

o The slot left at the top is where you can insert your Valentine’s cards.

Arts and Crafts Projects for Valentine’s Day – POEM PUZZLE

Ask your students to cut out a large heart from heavy paper. Next, have them write a fun Valentine’s Day poem on the heart of one of their classmates. Ask them to decorate the heart however they like. Then have them cut their hearts into about 10 puzzle pieces and give the heart to a classmate to put together. This is also a fun idea for a Valentine’s card.

Arts and Crafts Projects for Valentine’s Day – MOUSE KISS

This is a fun, cute and sweet Valentine’s Day craft. Have your students cut out a small pink heart and then glue 2 Hershey’s Kisses to the heart, one on each side. The top of the heart makes the mouse listen. Leave the Hershey kiss paper on the back heart to act as the glue. Get it off the forehead Hershey kiss. Use a very small pom pom to glue on as the nose, with yarn whiskers underneath. Glue googly eyes to both sides of the nose. Ready! You have a mouse kiss. Just be careful with the glue – don’t use a lot and make sure the glue touches only the foil and not the chocolate. Messy mice should only be looked at and not eaten.