Brokenness, An Inevitable Experience of Spiritual Transcendence – Book Report

Chinyere G. Madugba, an educator, coordinates several spirit-filled ministries with her husband. Notable among these are Spiritual Life Outreach, Outreach Christian Books and Resource Center, Ministers Prayer Network, West African School of Missions, Caleb International, and Women Intercessors for Church and Nations (also known as as The Women of Lament). We are indebted to this Nigerian writer for her timeless book, the content of which every Christian must embody.


It is repeated throughout the text that brokenness is an undoubted requirement for anyone who wants to be used by God. This state in which the sinner, born again into the family of God, is spiritually refined from an unknown state to a humble, meek, and pious personality involves giving the Holy Spirit full entrance into every area of ​​one’s life. Although it is a painful state of the heart, it is seen as the only path to true spiritual power. Pruning is like the organized destruction done by God when we submit to Him. Madugba (like Duewel) states that judgment is the result of one’s unwillingness to allow God to have His way. Twenty-one benefits associated with being broken are discussed. The Word of God heads the list of ten instruments that God himself uses to chisel away rough edges. One clearly sees oneself in one of the twenty-six evidences of unbroken life. Madugba argues that if a life is broken, it is indisputable that it would clearly understand God’s pattern of work. The breaking is gradual rather than instantaneous. This text should be in the library of every sober Christian worker who wants to advance on the spiritual path.

“We should also know that pruning does not necessarily mean removing what is bad. It involves removing what is good and even the best so that we can enjoy God’s best. This is God’s desire for us.”
“There is no place in the entire Bible where God promised us a trouble-free journey to heaven, a journey without the aches, pains, and troubles of life.”

In an invaluable book that deeply touches one’s heart, he renewed the sound biblical teachings of the consecrated life that contemporary Nigerian writers underemphasize.

A priceless treasure that shows how to remove the dross in one’s life, allowing youth and adults alike to live a victorious Christian life.