Building a Network Marketing Business Online

When you hear the name “Jonathan Budd” stop and take note; pay attention and listen to what he teaches.

In just three short years, Jonathan has grown his business to a multiple 8 figure annual income. Yes, he made over $10 million in 2010. He is a remarkable young man who is making a huge impact in the internet marketing industry today and generously shares his knowledge and wisdom. it is deep

If you want to grow a business that thrives; if you want to create a life of financial freedom; If you want to make a lot of money from your online business, pay attention to this young man. Apply what it teaches and implement what it tells you to copy. He provides information that will shake up his business and take it to the next level, as long as he’s willing to focus on the laser, apply his principles and strategies, and take massive action. This means working on his business, not treating it as a hobby. The operative word here is “work”; It’s not for the faint of heart, you have to work it.

I attended Jonathan’s 7 Figure Immersion Mastermind event in San Diego last week. It was an elite gathering of nationalities from all over the world, as people from Italy, Germany, Norway, France, England, Australia and Canada came. We all bathed in the knowledge the team presented of him and he grew from a small group of familiar faces to a family joining in a celebration at the end, enjoying a beautiful meal together and a night on the town.

There is no price that can be applied to the value of all this experience. It was priceless! What I took away from the event, like many others I spoke to, was transformative both in business and in life. It was life changing; we will never be the same as we were before venturing out. There was a lot to take away that will catapult our business to another level, as Jonathan’s strong intention and commitment is to help others earn millions of dollars.

However, it is not just the principles that will cause the biggest change. It is the passion that was shown to us and the passion that we in turn embrace for what we do in this industry; and, our “why”, why we have chosen our particular niche to market to. Also, it is our dedication to helping others, how much we care, that will make our businesses explode. That’s the beauty of what MLM, the online internet marketing industry, offers.

Thank you Jonathan Budd for being so inspiring; thank you for everything you contribute to creating a balanced and positive world; and, for teaching from the bottom of your big heart.