Characteristics of charismatic leadership

Today’s world needs leaders who are willing and ready to stand up for what they believe in. Charismatic leadership is what Alexander the Great had. He was able to cross the Alps mountain with his soldiers. None of that had happened before during this time. His followers believed in his leader so much that whatever he told them, they followed him faithfully.

Charismatic leadership is a trait that appeals to the mind, body, and soul of people. These leaders are characterized by valuing what people feel and what they want. These leaders are known for constantly renewing themselves in order to improve. The trick is to understand the environment in which they find themselves. They are able to use their wit and ability to convey messages through both oral and body language.

As a leader, one must create a unique group identity that sets them apart from others. As a result, your followers can easily identify with each other. Therefore, one has the feeling of belonging somewhere. The leader who has charisma is known to lead by example. More often than not, these leaders are known to take great risks for the people. Some have died in the struggle for the will of the people to prevail.

Like life, charismatic leadership has two sides of a coin. The downside is that the leader can use the “control” he has over people to manipulate them. Stalin and Hitler are classic examples of such leaders. These leaders have been known to rise above criticism. Even if they are wrong, no one dares to challenge them.