Chiropractor Care For Upper Back Pain

Upper Back Pain

Upper back pain is a common health complaint, and it can affect up to 20% of the population. Fortunately, chiropractic care can offer both quick and long term pain relief from this condition.

If you’ve been experiencing chiropractic care for upper back pain that has gotten worse or not gone away for more than six weeks to two months, it’s time to take action. This could mean reevaluating your lifestyle to make sure you’re not causing further damage.

It also means seeking out chiropractic treatment to restore your body’s natural healing capabilities. The right chiropractor can help you to alleviate the pain and swelling, regain normal mobility, and prevent future issues from developing. The thoracic spine and rib cage are complex structures that support the lungs, heart, and other vital organs. If these structures become harmed or misaligned, they can cause pain that spreads down the entire back.

Chiropractor Care For Upper Back Pain

In most cases, the upper back gets sore due to injury or poor posture. In more serious cases, the pain can stem from disease in another area of the body. A thorough physical examination and x-rays will be performed to determine the cause of your upper back pain.

During this evaluation, the doctor of chiropractic will look at your entire spine and take a close look at your medical history to determine what has caused the pain. Depending on the cause of your pain, the doctor will develop a customized plan for treatment. If you’re experiencing upper back pain, chiropractic care can be a great way to relieve it and get your life back on track. Getting to the root of your problem and correcting any underlying causes will give you long-term results that last!

The main reason to visit a chiropractor is to address the root of your pain and prevent it from coming back. This type of care can help to restore your spinal alignment, which will improve the function of your nervous system and reduce inflammation in your musculoskeletal structure.

A chiropractor will often use a variety of techniques and therapies to treat your upper back. These include adjustments, manual therapy, and other hands-on treatments that focus on improving the function of your spinal column. Chiropractic can be an effective treatment for a wide range of ailments, including shoulder problems and neck pain. Studies show that chiropractic manipulations can reduce shoulder pain and dysfunction, especially in the thoracic region of the spine.

Spinal manipulative therapy can help to correct a bent spine that may be a result of scoliosis. A curved spine can inhibit blood and spinal fluid flow, which can exert unnatural pressure on the central nervous system. This can lead to headaches.

When the spinal bones are shifted back into place, blood and spinal fluid vessels no longer get constricted, which can alleviate headaches. This is why a chiropractor should be the first health care professional you consider when you’re experiencing headaches in the thoracic spine or upper back.