Christmas Wreaths – History, Tradition and Uses

Evergreen wreaths at Christmas are a familiar sight on doorways, above mantelpieces, and in homes. Crowns have been used for many hundreds of years, even before the birth of Christ. Many historians believe that the earliest crowns date back to the Persian Empire, when royals and members of the upper class wore jeweled headbands or cloth headbands. Other cultures would later become fascinated with this tradition, picking it up and adapting it for themselves.

Approximately 800 years before the birth of Christ, the Greeks began to recognize the winners of their Olympic games by crowning them with wreaths made from branches of laurel trees. Years later, when the games moved from city to city, branches from local trees were used to make these victory wreaths for the winners. During the Roman Empire, crowns of leaves and greenery were worn by military and political leaders. For example, Julius Caesar was crowned with a crown made of fresh bay leaves and branches. The crown’s transition from headdress to wall decoration is believed to have occurred when athletes (or perhaps victorious military leaders) returned home and hung their headbands on their walls or doors, as trophy of his victory.

Egyptian, Chinese, and Hebrew cultures were known to use evergreen branches as a symbol of eternal life, because the conifers remained green during the winter months. After the birth of Christ, the Christmas wreath made of evergreen branches came to symbolize the triumph of life during the long winter months.

The Advent wreath also became a popular holiday tradition after the birth of Christ. This decoration was usually laid flat on a table and used to count down the four weeks immediately preceding Christmas. Traditionally, the wreath was made of four candles in a circle with one candle in the middle. The four outer candles were purple or violet, and the center candle was white. Four weeks before Christmas, the first purple candle would be lit. The following week, an additional candle would be lit, and so on, until the white candle in the center is lit on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, signifying the arrival of Christ. A short prayer was said to accompany the lighting of each candle. The reason why the last candle is located in the center is to symbolize that we must keep Christ in the center of our lives and the center of the Christmas celebration.

Based on drawings and paintings, most historians believe that the use of evergreen wreaths at Christmas spread through northern Europe, Spain, and Italy in the early 19th century. The greenery was used as a symbol of persevering life during the cold winter months, and the holly berries that were often used as an ornament were a symbol of the blood of Christ.

It is also believed that the Europeans also used wreaths on their doors to represent their family identity, much like a family crest. These wreaths were made from produce grown in their own gardens, such as vines, fresh flowers, or other produce. The making of these crowns was a family ritual that followed the same general pattern year after year.

Today, crowns are still widely worn around the world. In the US, wreaths are a traditional decoration for Christmas, as well as many other holidays throughout the year. Wreaths now grace doors for Halloween, Valentine’s Day, the 4th of July, and Easter. Also, wreaths are no longer just limited to evergreen branches. Many craft stores, books, and television shows feature unique wreaths made from a variety of unusual materials and decorations for almost any occasion.