Coffee to lose weight – Does it work?

In a recent study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the long-term effects of caffeine on weight loss were examined over a 12-year period. Long-term coffee drinkers were found to weigh about 1 pound less after 12 years.

Does this mean that drinking coffee is a useful weight loss strategy? Not necessarily.


For one thing, we’re only talking about a very modest one-pound weight difference. On the other hand, coffee acts as a diuretic, which means a substance that makes you urinate more. That means the weight loss seen in the study and then some is most likely due to decreased water weight, not fat.

In fact, coffee could very well cause you to gain weight, especially belly fat, the kind that’s associated with an increased risk of diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure.


Drinking coffee causes the pancreas to produce more insulin, the hormone that causes excess carbohydrates to be stored as fat.

In a double-blind study conducted at Duke University, diabetics who took capsules containing caffeine saw their average daily blood sugar levels increase by 8 percent. The study authors theorized that caffeine interferes with the process that moves glucose from the blood into muscles and other cells in the body where it is used for fuel. The caffeine in coffee might also trigger the release of adrenaline, which is the “fight or flight” hormone known to raise blood sugar levels.

Thats not all. Because drinking coffee causes insulin spikes, the extra insulin eventually converts blood sugar into fat or energy, resulting in low blood sugar. When people have low blood sugar, they feel the need to eat substances that will raise their blood sugar levels, such as refined carbohydrates, coffee, or both. Of course, this leads to weight gain, not weight loss.


Drinking coffee causes the body to secrete cortisol and increases lactate production.

Cortisol is another hormone that is part of the fight or flight response. Animal and human studies have shown that high cortisol levels are associated with cravings for sugar and fat, increased appetite, and weight gain, rather than weight loss.

Lactate, on the other hand, is known to increase anxiety, which in turn causes the body to secrete even more cortisol. In a study conducted at West Virginia University School of Medicine, 10 healthy volunteers were injected with 3, 5, or 7 mg of caffeine. The researchers found that there were dose-related increases in anxiety ratings and blood levels of cortisol and lactate. In one case, a volunteer had a full blown panic attack.


In this article, I have only discussed the implications of coffee consumption on weight gain and loss. I haven’t even gone into the general health risks of coffee, which include kidney stones, gout, depleted adrenal glands, decreased immune response, arthritis, osteoporosis, acid reflux, insomnia, migraines, heart disease, diabetes, etc.

The bottom line is that if you’re serious about healthy weight loss, there are better options to help with weight management than coffee.