Could faith and emotional healing be the best medicine you can take?

I think most of us would agree that television, radio, and print media hit us with the latest miracle drugs that claim to do everything from curing back, neck and knee pain, helping you sleep, or guaranteeing you a healthy life. life more. satisfying sex life. In fact, we live in a society that likes to oversimplify almost all the aches and pains we have, right down to taking a pill. The problem is that while medications can be effective in controlling the symptom of a physical condition (momentarily removing pain), they do nothing to eliminate the root cause and nothing in terms of cure. Although it may not be as simple as taking a pill, finding the secret to stabilizing your emotional state will likely be much better for you in improving not just a specific physical condition, but your overall health as well.

Studies have indicated that between 50 and 75 percent of people are ill due to the influence of inappropriate mental states on their emotional and physical makeup. In an article written in the Ladies Home Journal by Constance J Foster, she quotes a Dr. Edward Weiss of Temple University School of Medicine in a speech to the American College of Physicians as saying that chronic victims of aches and pains in muscles and joints can be suffering from feeding a latent resentment against someone close to them. Such people, he added, are often completely unaware that they have chronic resentment. The author continues: “It is necessary to state emphatically that emotions and feelings are as real as germs and no less respectable. Pain and suffering resulting from diseases caused mainly by emotions are no more imaginary than those caused by the bacteria”. In the book Mind and Body written by Dr. Flanders Dunbar, the author states: “It is not a question of whether an illness is physical or emotional, but how much of each.” I believe that every thoughtful person should agree with what doctors say about how resentment, guilt, hatred, resentment, ill will, jealousy, and revenge are attitudes that produce poor health. If you’ve ever had a fit of anger, notice the sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach, that feeling of an upset stomach. Chemical reactions in the body are triggered by emotional outbursts that result in feelings of poor health. If these conditions persist, either violently or in a simmering state for a period of time, the general condition of the body will deteriorate. There is also a direct link between our emotions and heart disease, said a San Francisco physician, Dr. Charles Miner Cooper, who wrote in an article titled “Heart-to-Heart Advice on Heart Problems”: “You need to monitor your emotional reactions. Since I have learned that a patient’s blood pressure has risen sixty points almost instantaneously in response to an outburst of anger, you can understand what stress such reactions can generate in the heart. ” If high levels of mental stress were linked to illness decades ago, one can only imagine the high levels of stress we live under today.

So what is the best way to take your emotions and get rid of fear, anxiety, tension, resentment, guilt, or a combination of all of these? Well, that medicine is not, of course, on the pharmacy shelves and you cannot ask the pharmacist for a bottle of psychosomatic medicine. Dr. Cooper offered this suggestion to get rid of negative emotions that lead to deteriorating health. He said if you have any ill will, resentment or grudges, throw them out. Get rid of them without delay. Because, because the only one they affect is you, and no one else. Many people suffer from poor health due to the emotional ills they cling to that sap their energy, efficiency and lead to deterioration in health and of course derail happiness. The famous pastor, Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, once said, “In recent times, it is not popular or accepted in our society that the Bible can be relevant to our health. Even people who accept the notion that it is not good to hate or be angry, consider that the Bible is theoretical, not practical. The Bible is not theoretical, but very practical. It is our best book on wisdom. It is full of practical advice on life and health. Resentment and guilt make you sick, modern doctors tell us, proving that the most up-to-date book on personal wellness is the Holy Bible. No wonder more copies are read than all the other books. The Bible not only helps us discover what is wrong with us, but also how to fix it. The Bible emphasizes the need for us to put aside negative emotions, what we harbor against others and against ourselves.

Can faith in God heal you? Early physicians unashamedly declared this to be true, as did many contemporary physicians, but these admissions seem to be more cautious in the politically correct society in which we live. A famous turn-of-the-century Viennese surgeon named Dr. Hans Finsterer said that he believed that “the invisible hand of God” helps make an operation successful. Dr. Finsterer was not one of the many ordinary surgeons of the time; He was selected by the International College of Surgeons for its highest honor, the “Master of Surgery” award. He was most cited for his work performing abdominal surgeries, more than 20,000 of them during his career. Of the 20,000 major operations, 8,000 of them were gastric resections (removal of part or all of the stomach) using only local anesthesia. Finsterer said that although considerable advances have been made in medicine and surgery, “all advances are not enough by themselves to ensure a happy outcome after every operation.” In contrast, “in what appeared to be simple surgical procedures, patients died, and in some cases where the surgeon despaired of a patient, they recovered.” While some in the medical community attribute these things to unpredictable chance, others are convinced that in the most difficult cases, their work has been aided by the invisible hand of God. I encourage any of you still wondering if the principles written in the Bible have anything to do with actual physical healing, to examine it for yourself.