Do It Your Way: Connecting with Clients and Members

Communicators have gotten lazy and cheap. When they get a new message, or when the last message didn’t reach the desired reach, unfortunately, the modern communicator can be heard muttering under their breath “we’ll just put it on Facebook”. There’s a lot more to actually communicating with your customers or members than just posting another post on social media.

the trap

When electronic communications became reliable a few decades ago, the market quickly realized that it had found the holy grail. After all, this new medium was free and only required the time to compose a message and maybe add some graphics. As long as we had our own email address list, the cost would be zero or close to zero, considering the investment in application tools to help. Social media didn’t change this seemingly profound business tactic, but it exasperated it. The problem is, and was, that it’s a flop, hitting a much smaller target than we care to admit.

I, for example, generally don’t use Facebook, except for my work; So, if I am a member of that Chamber or Association, am I receiving the communication when it is published there? If I am a VIP customer of that organization, am I getting the message? Obviously not. Replace Facebook in the above with ’email’, ‘Twitter’, ‘YouTube’, ‘Parler’, ‘Rumble’ or any other means of electronic communication and the same problem exists: not all members use that electronic means. Or, maybe they do, but not often. We’ve been doing it wrong!

do it his way

Leaders, members, customers, staff…everyone actually has preferences. They do things the way they we want to do them, not the way we want them to do things. This is especially true in communications. We need to go where they are, not try to force them to be where we want them to be. Does any VIP in particular prefer email? Text? A phone call at 11pm after the family goes to bed? We have to find them where they want to be.

With mass communication to clients or members, we need to be more fluid and complete. We need to cover the media, not just pick one and say it’s ready. So whatever your favorite, we’re there. The problem is that, when going from the macro to the micro, more specifically to the individual, we don’t know which one is his favourite. And, time and funds are not unlimited. Most of us can’t afford to hire a complement of full-time employees just to post to all the relevant social networks while we communicate through traditional media.

the secret sauce

So if we need to be where our members and customers are, but we don’t know where they are, how do we select the right mix of media? The answer lies, as with most recipes, in selecting the best ingredients for the desired reaction and determining their mix. In our case, we must mix electronic media with physical media.

Electronic media are email, email newsletters (of which we often delude ourselves that they are different from email), our website, and social media. The best mix for small, nimble staff is to use a monthly, bi-monthly, or quarterly email newsletter with few and few additional separate emails reserved for only the most important annual communications. This needs to be strongly supported with three to five social media platforms where we can copy and paste the same message and then make minor platform customization adjustments. Social experts would argue that each platform is different, with a unique language, tempo, and vernacular; therefore, such an approach is sloppy and unsophisticated. While I agree when I discuss the finer details of comparing and contrasting platforms, this is simply not realistic for the small organization. Stick to cutting and pasting for the most impact in the least amount of time.

If we stop communication at the electronic gate, we will lose more than 30% of our members and customers. Some will never see it, as it will be buried in their e-waste piles. Others will drop out. Still others will change jobs, which will change their email or social address, without letting us know. And yet others will commit us to junk, spam, or electronic archiving 13. So tried and true print media must also be part of our plan. Postcards, magazines, fold-out brochures, letters in letterhead envelopes, flyers, and tri-fold brochures are all options. So are text messages, voice calls, and even robocalls, if done correctly. The art of communication is in the mix, the portions and the touches with each medium. Of course, most physical media are exorbitantly priced compared to electronic media, which is why most chambers, companies, and associations have abandoned these media altogether. But that’s also why physical media is so much more effective than it was for our parents and grandparents: it’s just not used much anymore, so when used correctly, it makes a splash.

Communication is about style, substance, writing the perfect copy, timing, and having something worth saying. More importantly though, it’s about being where the recipient is so they can receive that magnificence that is their hard work. If a tree falls in a forest and there is no one to hear it, does it make a sound? If a message is sent in a medium that your customer is not monitoring, does it make the sale? Keep customer or member? Survive as an entity? Media mix, doing it your way, might even be more important than style, copy, substance, or timing. At least you break through.

If you found this article helpful and insightful, you may also appreciate the other three articles in this four-part series on communications: Break the noise with your communication, The Goldilocks Zone of Communicationand Anatomy of a communication message.