Do you have time for passion?

We all have something in this life that we are passionate about. Something we are excited to think about. Something we really look forward to. Something that we enjoy so much that we lose track of time while we dedicate ourselves to it. Your passion can be related to people, work, a cause, a hobby, or anything that you are passionate about.

How often do you allow yourself to participate in this interest / passion of yours? How do you feel when you deny yourself the opportunity to participate in this passion? If you had some free time and no one needed you at all, what would you spend doing that time? What do you like to do? What could you talk about for hours?

We tend to think of passions as a luxury that only the very lucky, the very rich, or the very irresponsible can enjoy. When I think of celebrity passions, I think of Madonna with Kabala, Brad and Angelina with children’s charities, Tom Cruise with Scientology. But there are many others who followed their passions to do great good in the world (Mother Teresa – humanity, poverty and healing; Princess Diana – landmines, AIDS, children; Michael J. Fox – Parker Research; Audrey Hepburn – UNICEF) . Others follow their passions in careers and ultimately their purpose in this world (Suze Orman: financial independence; Steve Irwin (the crocodile hunter): animal conservation; Emeril Lagasse / Julia Child / Rachel Ray (you love her or you hate her): food; Tiger Woods – golf).

Spending time immersing yourself in something you love is not a selfish or forgiving act. It is as necessary for your well-being as eating, breathing and sleeping. When you deny yourself opportunities to feed your body, mind, and spirit, you have less to give back to the people in your life. Spending time doing what you love gives you the energy you need to do the things you need to do. It makes you a better person and serves as a great clue as to what to do. It helps you discover your purpose in this life.

How beautiful would your life be if the work you did every day was satisfying to your soul and your bank account? How great would it be to be eager to go to work and be amazed at how quickly time went by?