Does your favorite t-shirt make you feel like a stuffed sausage?

Have you done thousands of crunches only to be asked how far along you are? Does seeing your feet in the shower seem like an impossible dream? Does your favorite t-shirt make you feel like a stuffed sausage? Well, you’re in luck, because losing belly fat has never been easier. Whether you’re looking to lose a few inches off your waist or a spare tire, following these tips will ensure you’re not qualified for that job as Santa Claus at a mall.

Almost everyone has those days when their waist seems a little tight. However, for some, those days are commonplace. While belly fat can serve as a drinking break or flotation device, carrying a little more around the middle can be dangerous. Not to be a Debbie Downer, but the risk of premature death increases with waist circumference. Belly fat has also been linked to diabetes and heart disease. If that doesn’t provide a little motivation, then visualize that rocker body you’ll rock on the beach.

First of all, stress less. Yes, your fantasy football team is going downhill and those pesky bills are piling up, but stress causes a spike in cortisol. The deep muscles of the stomach have a large number of cortisol receptors. So chronic stress can lead to increased belly fat. How do you eliminate stress? A proven way to reduce stress is meditation. While you’re probably thinking that sitting is what got you to this point, meditation requires more than sitting quietly. Find a nice quiet place and sit cross-legged on the floor or even lie on your back with your palms facing up. Close your eyes gently and inhale and exhale deeply through your nose. Focus on your breathing. When other thoughts arise, acknowledge them, let them go, and bring your attention back to your breath. Try this for 10 minutes at first, perhaps building up to 30 minutes. If your home isn’t exactly exuding peace and quiet, consider yoga. There’s no need to be able to twist into a pretzel or even touch your toes to reap the calming benefits of a yoga practice. Restorative yoga is perfect for beginners and should be relatively free of embarrassment. Taking a yoga class once a week can do wonders for those belly-boosting hormones of cortisol.

You knew this was coming, but the best way to get rid of belly fat is exercise. You may be complaining, but exercise doesn’t necessarily mean slaving away on the treadmill. Any form of vigorous cardio for at least half an hour four to five days a week will do the trick. Abdominal exercises are great, but you have to lose fat first and the only way to get rid of that bun top is cardio. Live on the edge and try a variety of activities until you find one that’s right for you. Head to the local gym and take a kickboxing class, try spinning, shake in Zumba, swim, or even take regular brisk walks, preferably on an incline. Just do something to get that heart rate up. Try to be active during the day as well. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, play with the kids, rake some leaves, go for a walk during your lunch break, just keep moving.

Once you’re on target with the cardio, it’s time to get those abdominal muscles in shape. While you may not be able to see them yet, they are there. Be sure to incorporate ab exercises that target every part of your tummy, from the doggy to the love handles. Exercise balls are a savior because they unbalance the body making the muscles work harder to perform the movements. Find ab moves that work for you and keep them in your tummy-busting repertoire. Also be sure to incorporate strength training into your life two to three days a week to help you get firm all over.

Another groan may be on the way, but nutrition plays a big part in avoiding that belly-shaking. But hey, everything in moderation. There’s no need to follow the supermodel diet or miss out on mom’s home cooking. Instead, it’s all about portion control and choosing healthy options. First on the list is fiber. Try to consume 10 grams of soluble fiber per day. Whole grains, vegetables, beans, and apples are tasty options. Also be sure to include monounsaturated fats in your diet, such as avocado, extra virgin olive oil, and a handful of almonds or cashews. Although fat has been considered the Darth Vader of food, monounsaturated fats are actually healthy and can help eliminate belly fat. Omega-3 fatty acids, such as wild salmon, flaxseed, and tuna, also help in the belly fat department. Green vegetables are a free for all, since the caloric content is very low. Add some color to your dishes by complementing them with vegetables like sweet potatoes, yellow bell peppers, green bell peppers, and carrots to ensure you get all of their nutrients. Low-fat dairy products are helpful in moderation. Greek yogurt and skim milk can help you lose belly fat while getting calcium. Lean proteins, such as grilled chicken, egg whites, and fish, are an important part of any diet. Stay away from white sugar and flour, over-processed foods, soft drinks, high fructose corn syrup, and anything with extremely long ingredient lists.

Last but not least, get enough sleep. Maintaining a healthy weight requires between seven and eight hours of sleep a night. Those who sleep too little or too much tend to accumulate more belly fat and also have higher cortisol levels. Not that anyone needs another excuse to hit the snooze button, but this one is scientifically proven. Getting enough sleep helps you lose weight, increases your energy, and improves your general sense of well-being. So get on the road today to banish belly bulge and reveal a slimmer, more confident you.