Dog breeds: do you think you want a beagle?

Do you think you want to have a beagle? There are few puppies as cute as a little black and white beagle! Beagles appear in movies as the perfect family pet. Beagles make great family pets, but as with any purebred dog, before you buy a beagle, make sure you learn a few things about the breed.

Beagles are generally a friendly breed of dog. They get along well with children. Beagles are inherently curious. When you see a beagle, you will most likely see it with its nose to the ground, tracking something. Because they were originally bred as hunting dogs, beagles constantly track things. This can create a problem for the beagle owner because beagles tend to dig into yards and run after something they are tracking. Veterinarians generally recommend that beagles be implanted with ID chips due to their tendency to go outside.

Beagles were bred to hunt in packs and are easily lonely. A lone beagle can become destructive, chewing up furniture, digging up gardens, and destroying belongings. A lone beagle will often howl as well. If you have picky neighbors, a beagle might not be the best choice, because they sometimes bark and howl, and beagles have a very different howl. Beagles need plenty of exercise to keep them from getting bored.

Beagle owners need to be careful about the amount of food they feed their dogs. Beagles will eat any food that is offered to them, no matter how much. It is not common for beagles to become quite obese. Beagle owners should monitor food intake. Beagles cannot have unlimited amounts of food at their disposal because they will overeat.

Beagles are easy to care for because they have short hair. Their fur is traditionally tricolor: brown, black and white. The tip of the beagle’s tail is almost always white. They were bred this way so hunters can easily see them in tall grass when hunting small animals, such as rabbits. Beagles shed a lot and a weekly brushing is a good grooming idea. As with all breeds that have floppy ears, beagles need their ears cleaned. Commercial ear cleaners are available for this purpose. If the owner does not keep the dog’s ears clean, he may get an ear infection or ear mites. For indoor dogs, bathing once a month is usually sufficient.

The average lifespan of beagles is twelve to fifteen years. Before you buy any pet, make sure you’re ready to make a lifetime commitment. As a breed, beagles can be stubborn and difficult to train. The best training method is to use food rewards. A beagle will do almost anything for food! Beagles are one of the most affectionate and playful dog breeds. Their energetic personality and persistent curiosity is a constant source of delight for their owners. Beagles love to be around people and do very well with children. Most beagle owners fall in love pretty quickly and become beagle owners for life!