Finding love in the gym – How to meet someone in the gym

Valentine’s Day has come and gone and if you’re one of those people who has found true love elusive, you’ll breathe a sigh of relief when Cupid hangs up his bow and arrow for another year!

However, the good news is that the gym is actually one of the best places to find love because the gym environment is usually a laid-back environment that attracts like-minded, health-conscious people.

Research reveals that matchmaking potential is high in health clubs with statistics indicating that one in four health club members feel it is a great place to meet someone special, while one in five members have actually met your partner in the gym.

A friend of mine once joined a gym just before she went abroad to live permanently. She wanted to be in her best physical shape before starting her journey and then settling in London. However, in the run up to her departure, every night at the gym, a very cute boy kept getting her attention. Smiles were exchanged, as well as subtle ‘hellos’, but she didn’t think of that because she thought he was completely out of her league and she was focused on traveling abroad. Then one night, she brazenly rolled a weight in her direction, almost tripping her (after all, boys will always be boys!). She broke the ice which allowed them to talk so they went out to dinner and these days they are happily married and still love going to the same gym where they met!

So, what are you waiting for? True love could be watching you from across the gym floor right now!

advice for men

Do you want to know how to approach someone you are attracted to in the gym? Let me share a few secrets that will allow you to break the ice without coming across as a stalker. Remember, while the gym is a great place to meet someone special, flirting is not as appropriate as it would be in a nightclub, however it may require an equally detailed and well thought out approach.


o Be fun, relaxed and playful.

o The biggest obstacle to socializing would have to be the iPod. If your person of interest is stuck in your iPod universe, you’ll need to be smart and use solid, non-intrusive eye contact. Be friendly, smile and look for a positive response. Be patient and slowly wear down the barriers. If you get negative feedback, it’s time to move on and respect their space.

o Be prepared, pay attention to your training regimen (without getting creepy about it!) otherwise your person of interest may appear out of nowhere, which could leave you stuttering and missing out on the opportunity to interact. Have an icebreaker set up ahead of time, compliment her (again without seeming creepy), and once you know her name, use it!

o Spin class is a great way to break the ice, the lights are off, the music is loud, everyone is relaxed and playful. A good time to talk is before or after class. Just remember to keep it relaxed, light and smile!

o Be friendly and fun! Great relationships often begin with friendships. Challenge them to a race on the treadmill, see who can do the most curls or hold the longest plank! It could leave you both in stitches (in a good way, not in a medical sense).

not to do:

o Flexing in front of the mirror, grunting, or acting like Mr. I’m too sexy.

o Overspray your cologne, heavy breathing requires fresh air, a nice light deodorant and fragrance is enough.

o Continuously staring like a harasser or disrespecting personal space.

advice for women

The gym is a great place to find a partner who cares about their body and health. But how do you approach the guy you’re interested in, since he’s there to exercise, not to socialize? The last thing you want is public rejection and having to come back day after day. However, there is a way to make this a win-win situation, keep reading to find out more.


o Be warm, open and smile, you will exude mystery and charisma. Men (and women!) love a cheerful and fun lady. You’ll come across as fresh, unassuming, making sure they’ll come back for more.

o Make friends with staff and other members; The more networks you have, the closer you will be to them.

o Ask around and see who might already know them. Find out if they are single to begin with. Keep it casual and they’ll probably tell you that you were showing interest, which may motivate them to break the ice first!

o Ask them for help, for example, to raise or lower a heavy weight from a machine. Then see if she’s happy to oblige, and if so, try starting a conversation. Of course, if it feels/appears like it’s taking up their valuable time and that the task is more of a nuisance than a privilege, then you know that making a move probably won’t be welcomed.

o Of course, if she starts paying more attention to you and her gaze becomes more intense, ask her out! Seriously, girls can do it! Just keep it casual and lighthearted. If you have all the signs, casually ask them if they’d like to join you for a drink. Short and relaxed is the key.

not to do:

o Avoid wearing overpowering perfumes.

o Do not dress as if you were in a bar. Avoid heavy makeup and instead opt for a new gym outfit, smell fresh and keep your look natural.

o Do not use headphones as this may make you appear inaccessible. To make it easy for him, invite him with your smile, eye contact, and a compliment to break the ice.

Meeting someone special at the gym can be fun, so take a deep breath, be brave and say ‘hello’. After all, what’s the worst that can happen?

Happy dating and go out and meet someone like-minded!