Free Affiliate Marketing Tips!

Welcome to my “Free Affiliate Marketing Tips” article, here you will find some free affiliate marketing tips on how to increase your CTR with AdWords, what products you should promote, how to pay pennies per click and more.

1. Keep your CTR low

To keep your CTR low, you need to be relevant. To stay relevant, make sure your ad groups contain only 20 keywords in each ad group and that they all have base keywords as different phrases. For example:

Base keyword: Acne removal

Phrases: Buy Acne Removal, Find Acne Removal Products, Acne Removal

Do this for 20 in an ad group, once you have done this you will need to apply this to all of your ad groups. Make sure the keyword is in your ad copy and try to make sure it’s in your URL. Either as or Removal.

2. How to keep sale prices low

This is closely related to keeping the CTR low. But you also have to find keywords that are very specific. Don’t use very broad terms as they will be too competitive. It is better to find 100 niche keywords rather than 10 very broad keywords dominated by the competition. A niche keyword won’t get you far, but if you can get a few hundred listed, you can turn that into dollars pretty easily.

3. What products should I promote?

I highly recommend using digital products found in the click bank. These are easy to promote as you don’t need to deal with shipping anything and can simply write a review on someone else’s product and then it’s your problem.

Lucrative markets include gambling, weight loss, smoking cessation, penis enlargement, and acne removal.

For a list of the best affiliate marketing guides that I personally use every day, click here []

Thanks for reading my article, I hope these affiliate marketing tips will help you.