Get to sleep like the rest of the world

This is for those people who know what it feels like to lie in bed for hours, but don’t fall asleep. I don’t mean those nights right before Christmas, or the nights right before I catch a plane to Las Vegas with the gang. Knowing the kind of things that go on in Las Vegas, who could sleep? I’m talking about having insomnia. The kind that happens most of the week. Where you try everything, counting sheep, warm milk, pills, even playing dead. I used to be one of these people. I would lie there and obsessively look at the clock. He got very tired.

Here are some tips you can use together to help you achieve restful sleep on a regular basis. Just like anything else, you have to practice. Trying these suggestions for just one night can put you to sleep, but the way to sleep peacefully on a regular basis is to perform them routinely.

This behavior will train your mind to fall asleep when you go to bed at night. Eventually you will be able to sleep peacefully without having to use a method. That is the point. Also, your bed shouldn’t be the culprit here. Stop going to bed thinking it’s your poor bed’s fault because it lacks viscoelastic memory cells. Although it may prevent you from spilling wine on your mattress, you don’t have to rush out and buy the latest bed developed by NASA.

Go to bed only when you feel like you are about to fall asleep. I don’t mean walk until you drop. I mean having heavy eyes while reading, working on the PC or watching TV. Soon your brain will make you go to bed at regular times.

Speaking of TV, never watch it in bed. You can watch anywhere except on your bed. At least until you start sleeping normally.

If you’re still awake after half an hour, get up and do something. Watch TV in the den or fold laundry. Nothing too exciting. This will train your inner mind to associate night hours with boring tasks. This, in turn, will send you signals to go to sleep.

Process your worries during the day. I know what you think, “I worry during the day!” What I mean is, try not to put your worries off until later, so you can get through the day. In my case, worry was the main reason I had trouble falling asleep. This suggestion is important. Your worries are like obstacles in front of what you really want. For example, if you are concerned about your future financial security, then what you may want is a new career, or just cash. Make a plan and write down the steps you need to take to achieve it. This little exercise alone will tell your brain that you are dealing with the problem and that you are solving it.

All of the suggestions I just mentioned will help you reprogram your mind to sleep at normal times like the rest of the world. But, in the process of testing and deleting, I found something else that helped me not only fall asleep, but made actual sleep that much sweeter. If you are someone who relies on meditation for your lifestyle, this may not be for you, as you could train your mind to fall asleep when you meditate. But, for those who don’t, you can use meditation techniques just before bed to achieve a state of relaxation. This will also make dreams much richer, more vibrant, and sometimes downright delicious.