Government, Economy, Ecology and Human Condition

Western politics derives from ancient Greek philosophy, in which economics means “order of the house” and ecology means “knowledge” of the house. House, in this sense, refers to the biosphere in which we all live. Unless we put the knowledge of ecology before the order of the economy, human society will fall into disorder and chaos. Now that the Platonic tradition of Greek philosophy has been found to be central to the emerging new fractal fullerene science of life, the existing entropic worldview translates such terms into incoherent babble. Quantum biological chemistry automatically associates the terms economics and ecology with both the material environment and holographic reality, beyond the understanding of current economics and environmental science.

In light of the above, the question arises, what is the medically ethical role of responsible government guidance for the benefit of the global human condition? The 20th century French philosopher, Michel Foucault, coined the term “Governance” to refer to a government that employs all the necessary components to establish a happy and well-ordered society. This echoes Aristotle’s ethical politics to guide ennobling government, an impossible concept with today’s hypocrisy, imposed by the outdated entropic logic that governs the current science of political management. For example, 20th century science was completely governed by Einstein’s ‘Principal Law of All Science’, which forbade any science of life from being part of the workings of fractal logic. Modern nanotechnology and quantum entanglement have shown that the second law of thermodynamics is a false assumption.

To design a working model that embraces Foucault’s ‘Governance’ principles, one would need to build an acceptable belief system to form a sustainable ‘Social Cradle’ in which to absorb the culture shock most likely to result from knowledge pertaining to community. discovery of the new platonic chemistry-fulerene. For its scientific development in this area, the Renaissance Project for the Remeasurement of Humanity at the University of Florence has received presidential commendation for its research development of that same life science quantum biological chemistry. This crucial concept of ‘Social Cradle’, contemplated by Buckminster Fuller, in his book Utopia or Oblivion, can now be considered to be of extreme global importance.

Problems of deep differences between individual self-governments, due to cultural and religious conflicts, available natural resources, geographic positioning, climatic conditions, etc., will have to be addressed within the ethical format of the new chemistry. The concept of the balance of both chemistries has already presented a vision of incalculable abundance, necessary to optimize the global human condition. New technologies designed to achieve this welfare state can be seen to be emerging on the drawing board for human survival, but cannot be understood by the existing unbalanced scientific mindset of Homo Entropicus. Many people sense the possibility of an enhancement of global consciousness, which, according to the 1937 Nobel Prize in Medicine, Szent-Gyeorgyi, would eventually occur as a natural evolutionary advance, as humanity learned to balance its current entropic obsessions.

Returning to our question, does responsible government and economics have a place in ‘the human condition’? The answer is a qualified yes, if Michel Foucault’s ‘Governance’ receives international endorsement as a balanced worldview. Such a view is consistent with Plato’s ethical politics and, more recently, with Sir Isaac Newton’s unprecedented conviction, discovered in the last century. In these writings, Newton considered that the current entropic understanding of the mechanical universe should be balanced with a more natural deep philosophy based on physical principles that now underpin the new Platonic-Fullerenian Chemistry.