How Long Does it Take to Resolve a Google Ad Suspension?

Resolve a Google Ad Suspension

If your Google Ads account has been suspended, it can take a while to resolve this issue. The time frame will vary depending on why the suspension occurred. It’s important to understand what caused the suspension in order to fix it as quickly and thoroughly as possible.

The first step is to figure out what policies you violated and what steps you need to take to regain access to your account. For example, if the reason for your suspension was that your website contained malware or harmful software, you will need to invest in a malware removal tool and clean up your site. Similarly, if your Google Ad Suspension due to violations of the Terms of Service or Ads Policy, you will need to edit your ads to bring them into compliance with the policies and submit them for review.

It is also important to remember that Google does not like to be rushed, so be patient and follow the guidelines for submitting an appeal. Once you have submitted your appeal, it can take several days or weeks for the suspension to be lifted. It’s also a good idea to create backup accounts that you can use if your primary Google account is suspended for some reason.

How Long Does it Take to Resolve a Google Ad Suspension?

When submitting your appeal, be sure to leave emotion out of the process. Google representatives are busy people and it can be hard for them to objectively evaluate your case if you’re expressing how upset or unfair the suspension is. Make sure your appeal is factual and clear, and include any supporting documentation that you can provide.

Another tip is to ensure that you’re using the correct email address on your account, because that’s how they will communicate with you regarding your case. It’s also a good idea for you to add the email addresses of anyone you want to be included in any communication with Google. This will help to ensure that the right person is responding to your case, and prevent any confusion about what needs to be done.

Lastly, you should make sure that all of your communication with Google is done through email, because phone support has been restricted due to COVID-19. This can be frustrating, but it is necessary to prevent the spread of viruses and other diseases.

If your appeal is rejected, it’s important to keep in mind that there could be multiple reasons why it was rejected. You may have made a mistake in your appeal that you didn’t catch, or you may not have addressed all of the issues in your appeal. It’s also important to remember that the rejection of your appeal doesn’t mean that other accounts are getting away with breaking Google’s policies.

If you’re struggling to get your account back after a suspension, we can help. Our team of experts can assist you in reviewing your account and drafting an appeal to get your account reinstated. We can also help you find other PPC platforms to run your ads on while you wait for Google to reinstate your account. Contact us today to learn more about our services!