How soon can results be seen after getting Masseter Botox?

results be seen after getting Masseter Botox

Masseter Botox is a non-surgical facial contouring treatment that can slim the jawline by weakening one of the muscles used for chewing. This popular TikTok beauty trend has both cosmetic and medical benefits and can help treat conditions like teeth grinding (bruxism).

The exact number of units that is required to shrink the muscle varies from person to person and depends on the size of the masseter muscle, the desired aesthetic result and body structure. However, typically it takes between 20 and 30 units to achieve the desired results for most people.

Once the injections are placed, the toxin stops nerve signals from reaching the muscle, causing it to relax and shrink. Most patients begin to see a reduction in the size of their masseter muscle within a few days after their procedure. However, it can take up to two weeks for the full effect of Masseter Botox to be seen.

How soon can results be seen after getting Masseter Botox?

After the procedure, patients may experience mild redness or bruising at the treatment site. This can be treated with over-the-counter pain relievers and ice to comfort the area. It is important to avoid rubbing the face or engaging in excessive facial manipulation after this treatment as it can cause the Botox to move out of its place, resulting in poor results.

Masseter Botox typically lasts 3 to 4 months before it needs to be reapplied. If you would like to maintain your jawline slimming results, it is recommended that you schedule regular follow-up appointments with your provider.

The best candidates for masseter Botox are individuals who have a bulky or square-shaped jawline caused by an overactive masseter muscle. This can be due to genetics, teeth grinding or clenching, the overuse of chewing gum, or other factors. Masseter Botox can also help with TMD problems and relieve symptoms of bruxism.

To determine if you are an appropriate candidate for Masseter Botox, consult with board-certified cosmetic dermatologist Dr. Michele Green at her private office in Manhattan’s Upper East Side. During your consultation, she will physically assess the lower part of your face and ask you to clench your jaw to evaluate the strength of your muscle contraction. She will recommend the best facial contouring treatments for you based on your goals and skin tone.

Pregnant or breastfeeding women are not eligible for Masseter Botox, as well as those who have a history of neuromuscular disorders, allergies to botulinum toxin, or any other health issues that can interfere with the safety and effectiveness of the treatment. Those with these disqualifying conditions should seek alternative facial treatments to achieve their desired look. It is also advisable to do your research and find a reputable, experienced and licensed practitioner who offers the treatment. By following these tips, you can ensure a safe and effective Masseter Botox treatment for the most natural-looking results. This minimally invasive treatment can have a lasting and positive impact on your overall appearance.