How to Cleanse and Consecrate Your New Oracle Cards for Accurate Psychic Readings

The energetic cleaning of your new Oracle cards is very important before you start using them. Even if you’ve cleaned them up thoroughly, it may still be a while before they’re really “YOUR” cards. Follow these steps to cleanse and consecrate your new cards!

When you first get your new deck of Oracle cards, and if you’re with a few friends, ask each of them to shuffle and cut up the deck before you take them home. This will help the deck become more familiar with your energy through your friends.

When you bring your deck home, shuffle them several times before beginning. This will help shake off any residual energy left on the cards. If you want, cut out a circle and call the Elements, although that’s not strictly necessary. Ground yourself and ask your spirit guides for help. You can then do any of the following:

  • Hold the deck in your hands. Feel the energy of the earth and the Divine energy from above connected within your heart chakra. Visualize a cleansing white light emitting from your heart chakra onto the deck.
  • Light a white candle and pass the deck over the flame.
  • Light incense and pass the deck through the smoke.
  • If it’s a full moon, place the platform outside so it can absorb the moon’s energy throughout the night.
  • Diffuse your new terrace with a stick of sage, cedar or sweet grass.
  • Ask your angels and spirit guides to bless and energetically cleanse your cards.
  • Surround the platform with crystals and leave them for several hours.

Once clean, it’s time to consecrate them. Again, land and ask your guides for help. Ask them to consecrate the cards to their highest good.

You should also energetically clear your deck of lost energy periodically. About once a month, I’ll take each card and sort them out. All of my Oracle card decks have a number associated with them, so I just order them numerically. I will then cleanse them with a healing white light from my heart chakra.

Once the deck has been thoroughly cleaned, it is ready for you to use. Remember that it may still take some time for the platform to absorb your energy to give you accurate readings. If you’re reading mostly to yourself, the cards will fit in no time.

Remember to think clearly about your question when using the oracle cards. I recently had a friend who was going through a lot of trouble. Although I asked my letters a question about me, the reading was clearly about her! I shared the read with her, but then did another read for myself from a different deck.

It is very important that you make your new deck of oracle cards your own. Follow these steps to clear them of other people’s energy and infuse your new deck with your own unique energies!