How to draw a car step by step easily

It is important to recognize the importance of toys in children’s lives. Children have a strong attachment to toys because they begin to interact with toys at a very young age. This makes toys very influencing the thinking of many children. Therefore, it is absolutely important to teach children to draw cars step by step to help them develop their creative skills, as well as develop and improve their artistic skills.

There are several requirements that a child needs to be able to practice how to draw a car step by step correctly. These requirements include plain paper that will act as a drawing surface. Another requirement will be a sharp pencil to do the sketch work and crayons to decorate the final product. You will also need an eraser to erase the unnecessary parts in your sketch.

When preparing all the necessary requirements when a child is practicing how to draw a car step by step, the first thing to do is draw a rectangle in the center of the plain paper. This will be the body of the car. Second, draw a square on top of the rectangle that will serve as the roof of the car.

At the bottom of the rectangle, draw two circles that will be the wheels of the car. Divide the car roof at the top of the rectangle in two by drawing small slanted rectangles that will serve as car windows. Then draw a thin rectangular shape on the car body to serve as the car door. The final step in practicing how to draw a car step by step will be to decorate the car with crayons.