How to get featured in your local newspaper

Getting featured in your local newspaper is a great way to get exposure, and it’s free! In addition to reaching a local target for your niche, many newspapers have online versions, allowing you to post the link to the article on your website, blog, etc.

To do:

1) Decide what you have done that is newsworthy and of local interest.

Are you publishing a book? Are you organizing a fundraiser or community event? Starting a new business, a new location, or offering new services?

For ideas, take a look at your local newspaper for the types of stories that are printed, long and short. For example, articles often feature local authors. So if you’ve published an ebook or a print book, there’s a good chance they’re writing about you.

The story does not have to be related to your business. The point is to get your name in the newspaper, so there can be at least a mention of what you do professionally. For example, if gardening is your hobby and they have a gardening section, you could write an article on gardening tips.

2) Write a press release. Be concise and include key information.

If you’ve never written a press release before, look up some tips on the internet. The document is likely to be edited as well as the content, so don’t be surprised if what you see printed doesn’t match what you sent. Remember the 5 W’s and an H: who, what, when, where, why and how.

3) Send a press release to various publications.

If you live in a town/city that borders a major metropolitan area, submit newspapers from both areas. Also consider magazines and newspapers that fit well with your topic.

Larger publications have the advantage of greater distribution. The advantage of smaller publications is that they may have more time and space for a reporter to do a personal interview with you!

4) Be patient!

If you don’t get a response right away, the newspaper may have a backlog of potential stories. For example, because eBooks have made self-publishing so affordable, it could take several months to appear as a local author.

5) Add a published story to your personal Portfolio.

Get in the habit of keeping a special folder of your achievements, training, awards, etc.


Whatever your field or experience, you can always benefit from free advertising! Your local newspaper is a great way to get more exposure and increase your credibility. If you think you haven’t done anything newsworthy, think again. Look through all the newspapers, magazines, and journals, looking for connections to the things you’ve done. Submit a press release, and you’re on your way!