How To Increase Productivity And Retention In Your MLM Downline

Did you know that the average network marketer lasts around 3 months in a business? Yes, unfortunately it is true. Why is that? We all have 24 hours a day and yet some make minimum wage per hour while others make hundreds, even thousands per hour. Are some people just lucky?

Well, I think we can create our own “luck”. You see, it’s about desire (your WHY), education (personal development), courage (how you communicate your knowledge), and consistent action. Why do you think most people join their first network marketing opportunity? Usually it’s to escape or change something they don’t like in their current lifestyle. So what happens? Unless YOU as their sponsor can show them a quick and easy to connect system that will earn them some money, 80% of your new team will lose interest in 1-3 months.

FACT: Have you ever heard of the 80/20 rule?

That’s the way the world works: 80% of people will always think there’s a “quick buck” to be made or a get-rich-quick scheme that will surpass all others right around the corner – they don’t have the patience to see anything through. Do you have any team members like that? Worse – Are you one of these people?

To improve productivity and retention in your MLM downline, you must have a desire to educate yourself, you must provide incredible value to others, and you must be consistent with your activity. So how does this increase your retention rate if there are always going to be 80% dropouts?

1) You need to educate yourself on prospecting and recruiting techniques that are going to blow your recruiting stats out of the water! Practice until it becomes second nature to you.
2) You need to learn how to market yourself online and generate your own leads with a simple online system like MLSP, so you’re not emotionally involved in the outcome of each prospectus. The more prospects you talk to, the less obsessed you’ll be with whether they say yes or no.
3) “Filter” your prospects to see if they “qualify” for your time – assign them tasks to do before join your opportunity.
4) Allocate your time to active people who deserve your time, not to those in need.
5) Keep your new prospect involved in all things team with weekly webinars and trainings and partner with someone who is positive and motivated.

So do you have the desire? (You need to have your “WHY”)

Do you want to educate yourself? – People join “people” – so what do you have that other people want? If you have nothing to offer your prospect, then you need to start doing something about it! Will you use a marketing system to skyrocket your marketing efforts? – Essential for easy duplication.

Will you be consistent? – Will you work your business daily?
Will you be persistent? – even if you don’t see immediate results?

Warning: If you take sole responsibility for your team’s behavior and actions, you will be creating a “babysitting” mentality within your team. Instead, focus on being consistent in your own business building activities and encourage your team to follow through by making it easy for them to do so.

Think about it: If 80% of Network Marketers retire, there are a HUGE number of inexperienced, unsponsored distributors who may want to come and join YOU. How much value do you think you can show as a leader by nurturing and encouraging your team to achieve the success THEY want? What if you could show them not only how to duplicate what you’re doing through an automated online marketing system, but also train them on what you’ve learned about online lead generation?

By helping others achieve what THEY want, you will ultimately get what YOU want. There is no better way! – I sleep VERY well at night and I hope you do too. To those of 20%!