How to Maximize FarmVille Experience Points and FarmVille Cash

Hello all you FarmVille fans out there! I said it in a nice way. I hope you are ready to learn one of the secrets practiced only by high level farmers. We are going to cover one of the FarmVille secrets that high level pros use to balance and maximize cash flow and experience point gain. This secret alone will allow you to accumulate maximum FarmVille experience points and FarmVille coins at the same time.

I cannot overestimate this powerful strategy. Use it and you will start leveling up faster than before. Let’s get started, okay? Until now, you may have been able to plan it to gain coins or experience points on your exploits, but this strategy will allow you to max out both at the same time. This is one of the main reasons why some players fly through the levels while others plod along building their farm. Don’t be a creeper!

One thing you’ll see all high-end pros do with regards to their growing decisions is timing. They want to maximize time on their keyboard or cell phone. This is what they do in a nutshell.

They will plant some FarmVille crops that ripen in three days on a third of their FarmVille farm. Then, in another third of their farm they plant crops that mature in two days, and finally finish the last third of their farm with twenty-four hour crops. All good real-time farmers plan their crops this way so they don’t have downtime.

Then, when the twenty-four hour crops are ready to harvest tomorrow, they can harvest, plow, and sow again. The next day they will now have two days’ worth of crops and yesterday’s crops to harvest, plow, and replant. On the third and last day they are harvesting their entire farm! They then repeat this over and over again, and it becomes a maximum efficiency run of both FarmVille experience points and FarmVille coins.

This also encourages your enjoyment of the game. You’re harvesting something every day, so you don’t have any downtime. Since there are so many different seeds to choose from at the one, two and three day harvest stage, you won’t get bored with the same old stuff. Use this pro-level tip and you’ll walk past your friends’ farms and bank accounts, watching their eyes, but not their farms, turn green with envy. See you at level seventy.