How to Rebrand an Ebook for Viral Gains

In case you didn’t know, eBooks are one of the most efficient ways to promote an affiliate link, especially when it comes to building a downline. This is a method that most people skip because they don’t realize how easy it really is. The truth is, you don’t even have to write the eBook yourself, you can simply find an eBook that comes with resell and rebrand rights, like the eBook I’ll introduce you to at the end of this article.

The first step to creating your own branded eBook is to find a good one with a good proven method. It is better if you use an e-book that you have read and implemented the information yourself and in which you believe. The ebook should be concise and easy to understand. The method itself should seem lucrative; something that everyone can achieve. These can be found on eBook marketplaces, eBay, or affiliate marketing forums like

Once you have the book you want, it’s time to rebrand. You will need Adobe Acrobat or any other program that edits a PDF to do this. I use NitroPDF Professional to do this; you can download a free trial version of the software from You’ll want to open the PDF in the program and review and change the affiliate links to your own. It’s a good idea to encrypt your links or at least cloak them with or Be sure to save this, and repackage the PDF into a .zip when you’re done.

Next, set up a one page website for it, more commonly known as a sales letter. Take a look at some of the products on to see what a sales page should look like. You want to sell this ebook to people even if it’s for free, and when I mean sell I don’t mean charge them. Tell them the benefits without revealing too much. I recommend adding a highly visible link at the bottom of the page for viewers to download your ebook, and also providing a mirror (a mirror is another source from which your ebook can be downloaded). This is where it comes in handy to use a .zip; if you don’t, and you uploaded it to your own server, viewers can suck up your bandwidth by launching the eBook without downloading it.

Rebranding an ebook for profit is one of the easiest ways to build a downline for a program or even sell products. I highly recommend using this method for programs that are free to sign up for. And also be sure to check your traffic statistics regularly to see how many people are downloading your book. Stay tuned for my next article which will provide ideas on how to promote your renowned eBook.