Keeping a Fennec Fox as a Pet

If you are interested in purchasing a pet that is a bit different from the norm, but you are a fan of canines, you may want to consider getting a fennec fox. The fennec fox, also known as the desert fox, is a small canine that typically weighs only 2 to 3.5 pounds as an adult. Although not many people keep a fennec fox, they can make great pets if you take the proper precautions.

Meeting the Fennec Fox

As a member of the canine family, the fennec fox acts much like domesticated dogs kept as pets. At the same time, it is important to remember that this type of canine has not been truly domesticated. Therefore, you will need to take special measures to socialize your fennec fox and prevent it from running away.

Unsurprisingly, the fennec fox is a very active and fast canine. Also, they tend to be quite agile. In the wild, the fennec fox tends to be a nocturnal animal. However, when kept as pets, these canines can adapt somewhat to their owner’s schedule. It’s a good idea to help your pet fit into your schedule as much as possible, as they have a high-pitched howl that can be annoying at night.

Caring for a Fennec Fox

Although the fennec fox is similar to domestic canines in many ways, there are some differences. For example, the diet of a fennec fox is a bit different than that of the typical pet dog. In the wild, these creatures prefer a diet consisting of rodents, insects, fruits, plants, and reptiles. Therefore, the ideal food for your pet would be a commercial canned diet that is prepared specifically for wild animals. However, many owners choose to feed their foxes a mixture of dog food, cat food, fruits and vegetables, while others prefer to feed them a mixture of raw meat, vegetables and vitamins.

Like a cat, it is possible to train a fennec fox to use litter, although some people seem to find the process easier than others. Therefore, whether or not you attempt to litter train your fox or simply take him outside to use the bathroom is a personal decision to make. Either way, you want to make sure you give your fox plenty of opportunities to run outside, as they are very active animals that need an outlet for all their excess energy.

It should also be noted that the fennec fox is a very curious creature that has a tendency to get into everything, which means that it also has a tendency to dig. So if you keep your fox outdoors, be sure to keep it in an enclosure that is specifically designed to prevent it from digging and climbing. This can be accomplished by burying a good amount of the fence so that the fox cannot dig under it. You also need to turn the fence in at the top so it can’t escape.