Men with an affair with his mother: Has a man with an affair with his mother lost touch with his masculinity?

What a man can realize, if he were to step back and reflect, is that he is not very balanced. The reason for this is that he can see that it is difficult for you to stand your ground and take action.

In general, you may find that you allow other people to walk all over you and only do things if you are told to do them or someone else is there to guide you. He can then see that he lacks the inner strength and courage that he needs to act as an independent human being.

a norm

So while he can often be walked by his friends and colleagues, this could usually be something his mother does. Besides, he could spend a lot of time doing things for her.

When it comes to what he does for his mother, this is probably something that happens automatically. In other words, this will not be something you consciously choose to do.

a mirage

From the outside, then, it may seem that he has no problem acting, but he will not. Thanks to everything he does for his mother, it could also be seen that he behaves in a very masculine way.

As a father who cares for and protects his children, it may seem that he is doing this for his mother. Again, this is unlikely to be something he chose to do; it is likely that he is doing this purely out of habit.

A very different experience

It may be clear to him that if he were in touch with his masculinity, he would stand his ground and do what he had to do. This is because he would have the inner strength and courage that he needed to truly embrace life and make a mark.

Until you are in touch with this part of your being, you will continue to live a life that is not in alignment with who you are and does not fulfill you. Ultimately, you will lose contact with his power and need to reconnect with him; if he doesn’t, his life is likely to get worse.

a closer look

At this point, you might be wondering why that is and what you can do to transform your life. There is a strong possibility that what happened during his formative years played a part in why he is estranged from his masculinity.

This may have been a time when his mother used him to meet some of his unmet childhood and adult needs, causing him to lose touch with himself in the process. He would not have received what he needed, which would have prevented him from growing and developing.

emotionally stunted

Naturally, his physical self would have grown, as would his intellectual self over time, but his emotional self would not have grown beyond a certain point. As an adult, he will look like a man, but he may feel like an abandoned child.

His purpose was to be there for his mother and give her what she wanted and this would have prepared him to be a people pleaser. If he hadn’t done what she wanted, he probably would have been punished, disapproved, and/or abandoned.

pushed down

This would have meant that the part of him that would have allowed him to emotionally separate from his mother and express himself, his aggression/fight instinct, would have been repressed. It simply would not have been safe for him to express his needs or behave as he wanted.

Her feminine aspect would not have been able to develop, because she had not received the emotional nourishment she needed, and her masculine aspect would not have been able to develop, because she had to lose contact with her inner fire. . Along with this, there may be another factor that prevented him from being able to develop this part of him.

Father Wounds

Now, assuming this father was present, he may not have been emotionally available, and this would have meant that he wasn’t there to get him out of his mother’s world. His father would have played a vital role in allowing him to start the individuation process.

The support, guidance and encouragement he would have provided had he been available would have played a key role in his development. Since his father was not present, he would not have had anyone there to separate him from his mother.

very undermined

Also, his father may have verbally and physically abused him once he reached a certain age. If his aggression hadn’t already splintered, his father would have made sure he was soon.

His father would also have provided him with a negative model of what it means to be a man and of aggression. This would have made it difficult for her to fully identify with his father, which would make it difficult for her to become a man and embrace his own aggression.

The consequences

Quite simply, his early experiences would have set him up for failure and a miserable existence. He will have wounds that he needs to heal in relation to his mother and his father.

You may believe that your aggression is bad as a result of the experiences you had, but you will need this power to change your life. Without it, he will continue to be shaken like a leaf in the wind.


If a man can relate to this and is ready to turn his life around, he may need to seek outside support. This is something that can be provided with the help of a therapist or healer.