Midlife Career Change: Folly or Promising Opportunity

Many of us are faced with the many challenges we encounter as we go through life and our ever-evolving environment. In my case, like millions of employees around the world, I finally reached the middle age stage and continually faced a very complex social and economic environment.

After a life long career in the lending industry, I realize that never has my experience and knowledge been so acute; Today I can say that I am at the top of my game. Due to my current business activities as an independent senior underwriter and business consultant, I am continually hired by lenders, private investors, entrepreneurs and real estate agents/brokers, which allows me to gauge my level of knowledge and experience when my clients request my services to develop very projects. complex

You may be wondering how all of the above is related to the title of my article and here is the answer.

There are many valuable and productive people out there, many of whom find themselves working for minimum wages or doing jobs that no one else wants. But they all have one thing in common:

They are at the top of their game! The experience and knowledge they have gained over time makes them a valuable asset to any organization that is “willing” to recognize their real and potential value.

The cold truth is that most organizations have inexperienced people running their HR departments and many times their internal policies shy away from older people under the false assumption that their ability to be productive will be compromised due to their age.

So my inspiration for writing this article was this group of people who are in their mid-career stage and are eager to find some sort of opportunity to put their knowledge and experience to good use. Unfortunately, there aren’t many opportunities out there.

Over 16 years ago I met David M., a former director of Houston-based Commercial Mortgage Banker. He was recovering from a back injury and my doctor advised me that a career change was necessary due to my new limitations. At some point during an informal phone conversation I mentioned my situation and obvious concerns to David. After exchanging different ideas, he asked me if he would be willing to learn the basics of business loans and business finance. I said yes and today I know it was the best decision I ever made.

I found a life-changing career opportunity in the lending industry, and today, almost 17 years later, I still enjoy the rewards of a highly productive career.

The many benefits and rewards I have received over the years have inspired me to share my experience and knowledge. So I’ve developed a simple tool so that anyone, even those with no prior experience or knowledge in the lending industry, can easily learn the basics of commercial real estate finance and begin a productive and rewarding career change. My post can be found in Amazon Books under the heading “Commercial Real Estate Finance: Training for Beginners.”

Some of you may be wondering if a mid-life career change is crazy or a promising opportunity – well, the difference is if you do nothing to improve your life or if you decide to take a few steps further and decide to pursue a promising opportunity. . Chance. Stay away from sales and multi-level schemes that will never get you anywhere.

If you feel you are willing to give it a try, perhaps you can consider the lending industry as a legitimate source of income and a tangible career change opportunity.

It worked for me and if you have the determination and discipline to reach your personal goals, this is a great option.

In short: it’s never too late! Your life can improve and the opportunities are there, you just need to go looking for them.

Be hurt and I wish you great success!