MTEL Test Secrets: Save Yourself From Test Anxiety!

The MTEL exam is the MAKE-OR-BREAK point that ultimately determines your career. For some, it may seem like an ordinary challenge. But for MANY, it is a critical phase that requires hard work and perseverance.

How do I pass the MTEL exam? – This is a question that generates many anxiety vibrations.

Minimal anxiety can be helpful. But you can go from mere anxiety to a full-blown panic attack. In which case, you can literally say goodbye to your MTEL exam!

Those who suffer from panic attacks on the MTEL test can become mentally paralyzed. While for others, their minds go BLACK and BLANK. Moreover, regardless of how you experience these panic attacks, there is NO way you can pass the MTEL exam in a panic!

The ONLY way you can be successful on the educator licensure exam is if you can MANAGE and OVERCOME your exam anxiety. This way you will be able to answer the exam with a clear and open mind.

I know, easier said than done. But you CAN fight test anxiety. YOU HAVE the means to overcome your MTEL exam fears.

Just follow these MTEL Test Anxiety tips and you’ll be on your way to SUCCESS!

Top 5 Anxiety BUSTERS by MTEL Test!

REMEMBER these tips when taking your MTEL prep courses and during your actual exam. They will help you relax. So, improve your chances of passing or even performing well on your MTEL exam.

  • ONE: Don’t cram! Space your exam review over several weeks. Cramming won’t help you remember. It would probably make you even more anxious.

    TWO: Practice and attend MTEL exam preparation courses. As the good saying goes, practice makes perfect.

    The exam practice questions can make the exam look more familiar.

    Getting acquainted not only improves your chances of getting the correct answer, it also significantly reduces test anxiety.

    THREE: Get a good night’s sleep before the exam. Psychology experts encourage a good night’s sleep before the day of the test. Help clear your mind. Makes you feel more relaxed. And it reduces the chances of test anxiety.

    OVEN: Read the MTEL exam instructions completely. Many Massachusetts license applicants, especially when they are anxious, do not read the instructions. They jump in to answer questions immediately. Reading the exam instructions is important because it guides you on how to spot the correct answers.

    FIVE: If you don’t know the question, FOLLOW. Some panic when they see unfamiliar questions. Panic WILL NOT HELP YOU.

  • And if you don’t know a question, you still have several hundred other questions that you can solve. So go ahead and don’t dwell on that ONE question you don’t know. Instead, focus on the ones you really know.