Night cycling

Night driving can be very different from daytime driving in many ways. There are adjustments you will need to make to ensure your safety and that you are following the traffic rules in the country where you live. I experienced it firsthand a few years ago while cycling home after school. It was around 7pm and I was riding my mountain bike without any lights, and when I was about to pass a police station, there was an officer on the road and he motioned for me to stop. This was my first encounter with the law while on the road. The officer was lenient with me as I told him I was going home from classes and suggested that I always drive with lights and be careful where I drive at night.

To avoid a similar encounter (which could turn out to be worse) and for your safety, here are some basic tips for riding your bike at night, whether you’re running errands, leaving work, or coming home after lessons:

Lights, lights, lights – Make sure your bike is equipped with a pair of lights. Keeping your bike well lit will help other road users on the road to see you at night and this will help prevent accidents or collisions. In addition, its lights will help you see obstacles along your way on the roads (for example, potholes).

Reflectors: The minimum I recommend is to have reflectors between the spokes of the bike on the wheel with front and rear reflectors (one on the handlebar and one under the seat post). Like your lights, reflectors help other road users see you coming. When light from a motor vehicle hits your reflector, it is reflected or illuminated in a way that you cannot miss, further ensuring your safety at night.

Clothing – While driving at night, it is a good idea not to wear black clothing or dark colored clothing. Wear something bright, preferably white at all times, as this will also help other road users see you in the dark. This is a general rule that not only applies to cyclists, but is also recommended to pedestrians on the roads at night.

Be Alert and Alert – The most important thing you can do, in my opinion, is to be alert and alert while driving at night. Be on the lookout for pedestrians who may roam the roads and also for motorized vehicles. Also, I would advise you to choose safe bike routes after dark because you may be taking all necessary precautions, but there will always be reckless drivers on the road. Also, do not drive in places that are known to be dangerous at night or in places that are too lonely. If possible, find a friend to ride your bike with at night.

That’s my list of things to do to prepare when driving at night. Follow these tips and enjoy a much safer cycling experience when riding at night.