Passover Feast Controls Candida Albican Yeast

Yeast-related diseases have been around for centuries. Four hundred years before the birth of Christ, Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, recorded many cases of thrush, cradle cap, and other fungal skin infections. These are all signs of candida albicans yeast infection.

A Biblical Candida Albican Diet

It came to my attention one day that the week-long Feast of Passover or Feast of Unleavened Bread, observed by Orthodox Jews, was very similar to the candida diet and other low-carb diets. The festival was instituted to commemorate the passage through the houses of the children of Israel in Egypt when God struck down the firstborn of the Egyptians with a plague.

He was particularly enthusiastic about this idea because the promise of observing the festival was “that the destroying angel would pass by.” In light of the widespread occurrence of yeast-related complaints among humans, and the debilitating effect it has from the inside out, “destroying angel” would be an apt description of what it feels like to deteriorate under the control of yeast.

I went to the local library to look for a book on the Passover Feast. I learned that the festival is observed at the end of March or the beginning of April before the earth produces anything sweet.

The seven-day Passover feast

The seven-day feast includes fasting during the day and eating the feast after sunset each night. A traditional Easter dish was depicted with divided sections for each of the foods eaten. The meal consists of a collection of brilliantly low-carb foods:

  • Unleavened bread (without yeast),
  • a piece of lamb,
  • a boiled egg,
  • green leafy vegetables,
  • A grated apple/walnut puree called ‘charoseth’
  • and a bitter herb such as parsley, horseradish, or another type of radish,

all of which contain antifungal properties. In fact, all bitter, pungent, and pungent herbs fight candida albicans and alleviate candida symptoms.

The physiological effect of observing Easter would be like a “spring cleaning” of the body of yeast, mold, and candida albicans fungus each year.

What a funny thought! What if the command to God’s chosen people to observe this feast were not only a means to remember their deliverance from slavery to Pharaoh centuries before, but also a means of literal yearly deliverance from a more subtle destroyer within, to know, candida albican?

Since this exciting idea came about, I have enjoyed, and highly recommend, an annual spring cleanse of the body’s systemic candida albican yeast to optimize energy, clear up muddled thoughts, and prepare hormonal systems for peak performance in the coming year. .