Penile Candida – How to Treat Penile Candida Naturally

Are you suffering from Penis Candida? Women are not the only ones who are subject to getting yeast infections, men can easily get them too and sometimes suffer from some pretty severe symptoms. Most of the time, men who are affected by penile yeast find themselves in not only an embarrassing situation, but it can be difficult to get rid of the infection if proper measures are not taken.

It is much more common for men to get a penile yeast infection from contracting it from a sexual partner rather than developing it on their own. However, it is still a serious condition and must be treated immediately.

Symptoms of penile candida

The most common symptoms of a yeast infection on the penis are discomfort, pain, swelling, or the infected area will be red and tender.

If Penis Candida is not treated, the symptoms will continually worsen: urination will become painful, pain in the penis will become more intense, and discharge will begin to come out of the penis. The key to getting rid of penile candida and never having to experience it again is to make the environment a hostile place so the yeast fungus can’t survive.

What you should do right now

Yeast loves warm, moist places, and so does sugar. One of the first things you should do is limit your sugar intake and make sure you keep your genital region dry and clean. This will provide immediate relief from symptoms, but to get rid of the infection itself, your immune system will come into play.

If you have a very strong immune system, the infection will clear up quickly. Certain herbs and oils are known to attack the yeast-causing fungus and destroy it, without harming the body’s healthy bacteria.

Treat penile yeast naturally

There are ways to treat penile yeast naturally without resorting to medications that do not permanently treat the infection. The best way to treat a penile yeast infection is to go after the root and eliminate it once and for all.

There aren’t many safe natural treatments that achieve the goal of eliminating the infection without posing a threat to the healthy bacteria your body needs. Using certain types of yogurt, a variety of vitamins, garlic, and avoiding certain carbohydrates can all be extremely effective ways to get rid of yeast infections once and for all.