sociopaths and fate

According to, the definition of a sociopath is “a person with a psychopathic personality whose behavior is antisocial, often criminal, and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience.”

The most common traits of a sociopath include irresponsibility, manipulation, dishonesty, and a complete lack of empathy. Sociopaths are typically charming, extremely intelligent, largely lacking in impulse control, and use others to get what they want.

Sociopaths lack remorse and only feel bad for themselves when they get caught. They tend to know right from wrong, but they don’t care. Psychopaths, on the other hand, often don’t know right from wrong.

Full-blown sociopaths are easily defined as such, but there can be a fine line between reasonable people and jerks.

Latent Sociopathic Traits Affecting Associations

Our long-term findings suggest that common negative personality traits (eg, aggressiveness, domineering tendencies, etc.), those that do not make a person a true sociopath, can lie dormant for decades until the subject is released. meets a collective and demanding personal moment. In other words, your personal numerology and astrology patterns symbolize the emergence of latent personality traits.

We can’t tell you why a dramatic shift in collective personal time represents a change in personality, but that’s what our findings show time and time again.

Combined with high levels of stress, the person may appear different than their “usual self,” but it may be that their usual self, the one they got to know over the years together, is not their true self, and you can’t blame them. her for pretending to be someone she wasn’t. It’s just that the negative qualities are now surfacing after being dormant for so long because your collective sync didn’t support those features until now.

Combine this dynamic with your own collective moment that also changes drastically at the same time (eg, symbolizing a possible divorce and a new long-term relationship) and you have two people wondering what happened to their life together. You can’t blame either of them for their personalities; it is simply the way things happen, symbolized by your natal compatibility and your unique individual collective time.

For example, Erica and her husband were wonderfully congenial romantic partners for many years until she experienced a dramatic shift in her personal time that symbolized power and control issues, argumentation, an authoritarian tendency along with other characteristics, including a sudden need for freedom. .

After years of sharing a live and let live disposition with his partner, he abruptly turned around and took it to the cleaners financially. They had their differences during the union, but his unexpected willingness to take no prisoners shocked virtually all of his friends. Some of them wondered if he had latent sociopathic tendencies, but it could be more complicated than that.

Terrible compatibility that produces sociopathic tendencies

Person A may seem like a sociopath to Person B, but to everyone else, Person A seems perfectly normal, and probably is. The problem is the natal compatibility, including the collective time of each person.

Bringing out the best, or in this case, the worst, are extremes often displayed in the unique compatibility between two people. It is rare for a couple (personal or business) to have a wonderful, mutually rewarding, and lifelong compatibility.

Demonic forces or sociopathy generating karmic revenge

Our findings strongly suggest that the origin of sociopathy can sometimes include demonic forces or related karmic retribution. For example, someone who is spiritually sensitive, combined with an unhealthy lifestyle, could open the door to dark forces. The person may not be innately dark, but he unknowingly takes on lost souls and even sinister forces producing sociopathic leanings, wreaking havoc on their relationships.

Others who are true sociopaths may have spent their entire lives aligning themselves with the dark forces; their charm, persuasion, affected compassion, and spirituality fool almost everyone, even their partners.

Cut your losses and get out of a relationship as soon as possible if an acquaintance or associate, business or personal, exhibits sociopathic behavior. Accept that some people in this world lack a conscience and that person is best avoided for your own sanity and safety.

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