Stuttering in adults

It is estimated that more than sixty-eight million people stutter around the world. In the United States, that number is close to three million. One percent of the world’s population struggles with stuttering. It is not uncommon for a child to stutter when he is very young. However, most people will get over it by the time they are five years old. Stuttering in adults is rare, but it does occur.

Adults who continue to struggle with stuttering into adulthood will often have a family history of stuttering. It is estimated that between 60 and 70% of all adults who stutter have stuttering in their family history. This could only be one aspect of adult stuttering in the big picture of stuttering. Many stuttering adults faced developmental delays growing up. They often lived in a fast-paced environment where they were forced to move and talk quickly.

Adults who do not stutter face many challenges in life that people who do not stutter do not. Most people take it for granted that they can communicate without problems. People who deal with stuttering are forced to go to college without the communication development that many of their peers have. So they are forced to look for a job with a communication disability that many of the people who are hiring them will not understand. Many people view stutterers as disabled and having something wrong with their brain, therefore they will not hire them even after possessing a college degree.

The love lives of adults who stutter are often left empty. However, many people who struggle with stuttering find a partner who is very loving and understanding of the problem. Marriages for most stutterers end in success and do not end in divorce. Stuttering as an adult doesn’t have to be the end of life as you know it.

Stuttering in adults is rare, but many adults have outgrown it. In fact, if you are an adult struggling with stuttering and receiving appropriate therapy, you can likely make great strides in overcoming stuttering. Adults who stutter have a wide range of options in speech therapy, from their traditional speech pathologist to people who think outside the box and create their own speech therapy program. In recent years, many former stutterers have devised their own programs to cure stuttering, and many have been very successful.

For more information, visit Stuttering in Adults.