Sugar Glider Pet Shop – How to Choose a Sugar Glider

When thinking about buying a sugar glider for a pet, the best place to look is a glider pet store. This is because a pet store is more likely to give animals special care, making sure they are completely healthy before purchase.

Of course, that does not mean that simply choosing any glider from those available would be enough. It is crucial that the buyer knows what to look for in the marsupial to ensure its health.

With that said, the following are some tips on how to choose the healthiest specimen at a pet store of sugar gliders.

size and appearance – Your pet should weigh around 3 to 5.5 ounces and measure up to 21 centimeters depending on its gender. Make sure that the animal has normal characteristics of weight and length before purchase. Like most furry animals, the baby glider’s fur should be thick, shiny and clean, with its large eyes bright and clear.

Cage and Activity – These exotic pets can be very active and need plenty of space to exercise and socialize. Opt for animals that are more active as this shows that he or she is healthy. Check the cage at the pet station to see if it is well maintained. A good breeder would never let animals live in a neglected environment as this could become a health risk. The cage should be the right size, contain a nest box, and more of a bird cage than an aquarium tank.

check credentials – Most pet store owners have the proper credentials to sell or even breed exotic pets. However, it doesn’t hurt to verify this information, either by asking directly or by consulting the list of the International Association of Sugar Gliders via their website. While you’re there, it might also be a good idea to check to see if the state you’re in is allowed to keep these animals in captivity. Good breeders should also be able to answer any questions the buyer raises.

food – What exactly is the pet store feeding them? This is important as a glider has very particular tastes and will only eat some of the freshest types of food available. Knowing this information, shoppers can simply continue with the type of diet that is being given to them in the store. Be aware that pellets are dangerous to these marsupials, so if the seller claims that is what they are feeding, try looking for a different pet store.

Find a good vet before purchasing any exotic animal. Make sure there is an exotics vet available in the area. These pets may have some problems that only a vet can solve, especially since gliders are exotic.


Be sure to purchase more than one specimen at a sugar glider pet store. These marsupials are actually very social creatures and would typically stop eating if left alone. Therefore, be prepared to take care of more than one glider.