Teaching Independence: Building Confidence and Self-Reliance in Your Child

Is so easy. We all do it from time to time. We love them
a lot of. We just want to protect our children from anything.
that could hurt them. So we reach out and gather
they in. We do their homework for them so they can enjoy some
more gaming moments. But these choices have consequences.
When you protect your children or do what they can do for
their children themselves become too dependent. Worse,
they do not challenge themselves or develop self-confidence.

Learning self-sufficiency and independence comes early. But
It doesn’t happen without your help. you need to support your
children teaching them to be independent. In this article
you will learn to promote the independence of your children;
how and when to let them do things on their own; to do
when they need help; and what to do when things go wrong.

Let’s meet Julia

Julio is six years old. She is shy and indecisive and not
have close friends Julie’s teacher, Mrs. Sterling,
often keeps Julie company at school and gives her
help. Ms. Sterling doesn’t care. Julie is so calm and
well educated girl

Then, at a parent-teacher conference, Ms. Sterling mentions
Julie’s behavior with her parents. She wasn’t always like this
they say. Julie was a wild baby and she got into everything. In
At the time, Julie’s parents were concerned for her safety, so they
They kept Julie in her playpen, they put gates all over the
house and even put him on a leash sometimes. For her safety
they added.

Eventually, Julie got over her wanderlust and became a
educated girl. But maybe we overreacted, say Julie’s
fathers. Now she is not interested in doing anything in her
own. She just waits for us to advise her.

Mrs. Sterling suggests they set Julie on fire.
task, something she could easily accomplish. maybe that
help Julie feel that she is in charge and that she already has
permission to do a good job on your own. july’s parents
to accept.

In a few weeks, Mrs. Sterling realizes that Julie is looking for
less help and spending longer periods with the other
kids. Then one day, in a burst of pride, Julie tells Mrs.
Sterling the correct way to empty a dishwasher and put it away
dishes. Ms. Sterling thanks Julie for the lesson and
he smiles as Julie runs off to play with her new friends.

Now let’s take a look at how you can teach your children
independence, self-sufficiency and the joy of confidence.

Cheer up

Parents need to support their children in their natural
search for independence. A great way to do this is with
chores. Most children are in a rush to grow up; Helping
at home teaches them responsibilities and shows
they can make a difference through their actions.

But be careful. Your child can feel if you are worried.
about his abilities. Let them know that it is a great help to
get them involved and give them jobs they can do.
If you are concerned about your safety or performance
give them another job.


Children who are allowed to do things on their own develop
self-sufficiency At first, leave your child alone for small
periods periods. They will learn that they are safe and that they can do things
without you in the same room. Then friends teach them
to deal with different situations. chores, hobbies and
homework also develops independence. Here are some methods to
Help your children succeed on their own.

o Model self-reliance in your own behavior.

o Show them step by step how to do a project.

o Make sure they know the goal so they are heading in the right direction

o Make the project fun! time it. Do it backwards. Dancing.
Make a game with it.

o Set deadlines for a project, but let your children
complete it your way.

o Let them do the job in parts so they are successful every time
they work on it.

or that they fail. Let your kids try things their way and
learn from failure.

o When they forget to do a task, show them the
consequences, but don’t do the work for them.

Know when to step in and help your child with a project
it can be challenging. Here are some guidelines, but keep in mind
how their children solve problems and support them

o Intervene to support their children when their focus is
unsafe, unsanitary or disruptive.

o In general, be available to help, but encourage it
them to work through any snags they encounter on their own.

o If you do intervene, emphasize what works and then
suggest ways to do the job better, or consider doing the job

o If the job is done well enough…leave it alone.
Perfection is not the goal. Unless the job must be
corrected for a very good reason congratulate your children
in your efforts. And praise them often.

Learn from mistakes
Part of being self-sufficient means learning from mistakes. Are here
some tips to help your kids keep going when things go wrong

o Tell them that we all make mistakes.

o Tell them that it is the effort that counts.

o Tell them you love them no matter what.

o Point out what they did well.

o Ask them how they could do it differently.

o Encourage them to do the work using your new approach.

Protecting your children from harm is vital, but it is also
important to allow them to explore, participate in the life and
even to fail. This is how they learn self-sufficiency. In it
In the long run, if children are not taught independence, they lack
self-confidence, and that is very difficult to learn after

Promote the independence of your children. teach them how to do
things on their own and support them as they learn. Maybe
one of the greatest gifts you can teach your children is
learn from your mistakes and fill your life with
confidence and self-sufficiency necessary to succeed.