The best exercise to get rid of man boobs

Getting rid of man boobs requires not only that you change your diet to lose body fat, but start exercising regularly. So if you’re going to exercise to get rid of your man boobs, you need to do specific exercises that tighten, tone, and shed body fat.

One of the best exercises to get rid of man boobs is the chest fly or butterfly. The chest fly can be performed in multiple ways with multiple types of equipment, making it easy for those without access to professional weightlifting equipment.

The traditional and perhaps the best known breastfed flight is performed on the pecking platform. This is the machine where you sit down, place your hands about one foot shoulder-width apart, and grip the handles. From there, press the handles together in front of you, primarily contracting your chest muscles. If you do it correctly, you will feel a squeeze in your chest.

If you don’t have the peck rig, chest raises can still be performed on a bench with weights. In this example, you would lie on a bench and use dumbbells. By placing the dumbbells in a bench press stance and performing the same movement as on the peck deck, you contract all of the same muscles and especially the muscles that help start getting rid of man boobs. If you don’t have any of the aforementioned equipment, get some resistance bands. You can use them in the same way.

The chest fly or butterfly is by far the most effective exercise to get rid of man boobs. However, to use it most effectively, follow this important step: Be slow and deliberate, with a long hold in the middle of the lift.

When you do the exercise, you only need to do 2-4 sets of 6-10 reps, but it all depends on time. Instead of performing the repetitions at normal speed, count for about 8 seconds for each contraction and when you reach the end of the exercise, hold the count for 2-3 seconds. If you’re doing this correctly, you’ll feel a lot of burning in your chest, but it’s the best kind of burn. Your muscles are filling with blood and helping to tone and burn the fat that covers your pectoral muscles. This is by far the best way to start getting rid of man boobs.