The Foolproof Way to Become a GREAT Judge of Character

Today I am going to delve into relationships. A crucial skill in successful relationships is accurately judging character. It can be easy to inadvertently say the wrong thing or jump to conclusions. To stay on the receiving end of a smile keep reading…

The sure way to become a great judge of character.

Do you believe in love at first sight? Have you ever taken an immediate dislike to someone without knowing why? Becoming a great judge of character uses all the principles of emotional intelligence. Knowing someone intuitively and instinctively personifies:

– The perfect seller,
– A person superior to people.
– And a truly talented decision maker when it comes to business.

An intuition of human nature is a surefire way to stay on the “right track” in life, and in some cases it can even be called a sixth sense.

Do you want to know how to become a great judge of character by the time you read this article?

Yeah? Good, because I can guarantee you that you will get something out of this. For starters, you’re not going to suddenly become a great judge of character. Yes, we can all stereotype and in some cases be quite accurate, but everyone has their weaknesses: we can’t draw the line between jock and geek.

Now I’m going to outline a simple way to become a great judge of character, and start by asking yourself a question when you meet someone new.

How consistent is this person’s character?

The more consistent a person’s character is, the more control he has over himself. What does this mean?

– More reliable
– most honorable
– Potential to build stronger relationships

Without integrity, you don’t have people’s trust, and without it your options are severely limited. The consistency of someone’s character is a big problem.

Let’s take an example here. You have the choice of 2 life partners.

Partner A: Partner A is exciting and energetic, but by the end of the week his character changes completely and “you don’t know this person.” However, you don’t want to break up because you like the person for the rest of the week.

Partner B: Partner B is always calm and in control of his emotions; It’s not exactly an energetic fireball, but it’s very reliable.

Who would you choose to have custody of your children if you had to leave?

Now, by internalizing this question, it will become something you’ll develop an eye for, and as you become more aware of differences in behavior, you’ll become more effective at reading people.

Last piece of advice: don’t judge people too quickly. If you are trying to build a relationship as quickly as possible, share enthusiasm and smile. (But obviously don’t manipulate) Once you’ve developed a bond, use techniques that elicit an emotional response:

– Call in favors – Light favors that test the waters

– Questions about health, relationships and money – These topics can be personal so they depend on the level of your relationship.

– Observe them interacting with other people, often the best way to determine the consistency of someone’s character. To do this, we must look beyond a social hierarchy. For example, interacting with a manager is different from interacting with a colleague. Compare body language between different people. 70% of our communication is through body language and, furthermore, it is a more accurate representation of our true feelings. Through the spoken word, apart from lying, it’s hard to put emotions into words. It’s not unusual for us to have a completely wrong idea about how we feel.

– What we are really looking for is how they deal with stress. How does your character change when you are under stress? Long-term relationships inevitably become strained at times, and the signs are always present early on in the relationship. Love has a good shot at ‘blinding’ us to these negative aspects. Just like partner A in our example.