The importance of manipulative materials in teaching sight words for remedial reading instruction

When it comes to ensuring the effectiveness and efficiency of manipulatives in remedial reading instruction, especially high-frequency or high-frequency words, the following are important things for a reading teacher to do:

First, material preparations. Any material available around could be useful for a creative or resourceful reading teacher, especially if the school is not tech-oriented or what. The target words can be printed on a piece of bond paper or in small letters cut out to form words and used for games using beads, seeds, pebbles, or other indigenous materials such as “pants” like Bingo Sight Words. In fact, I have changed the name of Bingo to Word to disassociate gambling from the negative connotation, that it is played at the casino or at neighborhood fun time as chinese domino and other playing cards.

I plasticized Word cards for durability purposes and have been using them for my reading remedial instruction. In fact, I have also done Word cards for other subject areas like Math, Science and more.

Second, game time. In addition to individually learning key words by reading them from stacks of cards, struggling readers may also have Word Game time where students can have fun and exciting games. Before the game begins, students must choose a pattern such as diagonal, horizontal, vertical, or cover all. The first to complete a pattern is declared the winner by correctly reading the sight words in a complete pattern. Then play with another pattern and continue reading until everyone has a chance to read and feel confident that they can play with other students, have fun, and master important social skills like taking turns, showing respect, and more.

Third, rubrics are a must. The score on your read dominated words must also be combined with the table of values. Yes, the value is observed and strengthened and so on during the game. A reading teacher knows the essence of emphasizing them whenever they are playing manipulatives or doing group work.

Lastly, fun should be the focus of manipulative play.. If students are no longer happy with what they have been doing, say they have already mastered sight words for mastery purposes, the teacher should look for other ways to strengthen their reading skills, such as guiding them to use those sight words. frequent use in a sentence, sentence, paragraph, etc.

Variety plays an important role in ensuring that student interest is intact and teacher enthusiasm in providing the necessary materials for mastery of sight word reading through the use of manipulatives.